This book would have never seen the light of day were it not for amazing help from the following people. We send out a huge thank you to all of them for their support, suggestions and hard work in making this book possible.

First to our agent, Robert Kirby, for his phenomenal support, hard work and belief in this book. Robert is a true professional, and his patience, insights and advice proved incredibly valuable.

Thanks to the wonderful team at HarperCollins, especially Carole Tonkinson and Victoria McGeown, who have been superb in their support and their faith in the book.

And last but not least, we thank all of our colleagues, the seminar attendees, support staff and Society of NLP trainers all over the world. Without you, there would be no life-changing seminars.

From Richard

I would like to thank my wife, Glenda, for her help, support and magical smile.

My thanks also go to 40 years of clients who faced the worst and taught me so much.

Thanks also to John and Kathleen La Valle for their friendship and ongoing assistance and encouragement.

From Alessio

I would like to thank Dr Richard Bandler, whose creativity and generosity in sharing his fabulous discoveries have made a significant contribution to my life and the entire field of personal change.

I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to John and Kathleen La Valle, who have supported, encouraged and championed my work so far. Their continuing feedback has helped me develop my NLP and coaching skills.

Thanks to the co-director of the NLP Italy Coaching School, Antonella Rizzuto, whose dedication helps more than 10,000 people every year to discover their potential.

And thanks to Mattia Bernardini and Alice Rifelli, whose professional and diligent work makes life-changing books possible.

Finally, I would like to thank the two most extraordinary people in my life, Cinzia and Damiamo, my world of love.

From Owen

I would like to thank my parents, Marjorie and Brian Fitzpatrick – quite simply the greatest parents one could wish to have and the people I look up to most in life.

Thanks to my gorgeous goddaughters, Lucy and Aoife, whose beauty makes me smile every day.

And to my incredible friends, including Brian, Theresa, Cristina, Sandra, Gillian, Elena, Kate and Rob, for their advice and support with the book.

My thanks also go to all my trainers and mentors over the years, particularly John and Kathleen La Valle for their invaluable advice. They have, quite simply, changed my life.

Lastly, thank you to Dr Richard Bandler. Meeting Richard as a teenager, I found his genius, advice and belief in me literally turned my world around. I’m blessed to have him as a teacher, mentor and friend in my life.