Billie Jean had started to run after Rover, and Mister Mack had gone back into the garden to get his bike.
Billie Jean texted as she ran. She texted her son, Robbie. Robbie was the BFB’s dad. BFB has escaped again. X. She also sent the text to her other son, Jimmy, and her daughter, Kayla. She even sent it to Mister Mack, just in case he forgot. He was in the front garden with his bike, trying to remember why he’d gone back in, when he heard the text and read it.
‘Oh, yes,’ he said, and hopped on the bike.
Back to the BFB.
She had flown up into the air – and down – into a handbag.
The back wheel of Etna’s bike landed back on the road. Luckily the bike hadn’t flipped over, so Etna was fine. She got off the bike and looked at the front wheel. She let go of the handlebars and the bike didn’t fall over.
Rover had caught up with Etna, and Billie Jean had caught up with Rover.
Billie Jean looked into Etna’s pouch.
Was Etna a kangaroo?
No! She wasn’t even nearly a kangaroo. OH NO!