They all filed into the large hospital conference room, waiting for Dr. Daniels: Melanie, Brad, Gladys, Freda, Alicia, Phillip, Pastor Black, and his wife, Charlotte. One of the surgical nurses had come to the waiting area to let them know the surgery was over and that Dr. Daniels would be out to speak to them as soon as he could. Melanie hoped her dad was doing better than expected and that his recovery would be successful and quick.
Everyone sat in silence, and it was good to have them there, praying and showing unwavering love and support. Especially Pastor Black and Charlotte, because they were like second parents to Melanie. It was sort of funny how Charlotte was Alicia’s stepmom, yet she was only eleven years older than Melanie and Alicia. Even more interesting was the fact that Melanie was also very close to Alicia’s mother, Tanya, whom Melanie called Mom as well. Tanya was one of the best women Melanie knew, and she would have given anything for her own mother to be as kind.
Melanie scanned the room. She accidentally locked eyes with Alicia, the one person she wished had stayed home. How dare Alicia judge her and talk to her the way she had when she’d first arrived at the hospital. She’d had no right, and Melanie wasn’t happy about it.
After another ten minutes, Dr. Daniels walked into the room and took a seat at the head of the table. “Good evening, everyone.”
They all greeted him, waiting for the report.
“Well, it was a tough job, but we got it done. We’re having to breathe for Mr. Johnson right now, and the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours are crucial. It’s never simple when we have to unblock four arteries, but what I can tell you is that I’ve done it many times before, and I’ve done it very successfully. I did the best I could, and now it’s in the hands of the good Lord.”
“Amen,” Pastor Black and Phillip acknowledged. Everyone else nodded in agreement.
Melanie didn’t always hear doctors speak this way, but it gave her a good feeling when she met doctors who hadn’t allowed their vast knowledge of science to diminish their strong belief in God.
“Does anyone have any questions?” Dr. Daniels said. “Mrs. Johnson?”
“No, I don’t think so,” she said.
“Anyone?” he asked again.
“Can we see him for just a few minutes?” Melanie asked.
“Someone will come and get you and your mom as soon as the nurses get your dad situated, but after that, I really want him to get some rest.”
“Thank you, and we understand,” Melanie said.
Dr. Daniels scooted his chair away and got up. “I guess that’s it for now, but I’ll be in first thing in the morning to see him. Which actually won’t be long, because it’s already midnight and I have a six thirty a.m. surgery to perform.”
“Oh my,” Gladys said. “We already appreciated everything you’ve done for my husband, but hearing that makes us appreciate you that much more. Thank you for everything.”
“Of course. As I said to you and Melanie earlier, I’m glad I was still here when the ambulance brought him in. You all take care.”
“You, too, and thank you again, doctor,” Melanie said.
“You’re quite welcome.”
Gladys clasped her hands together and rested them on the table. “I guess all we can do now is wait.” Then she looked at Melanie. “Do you think your dad will make it? You know a lot more about this kind of thing than any of us.”
Melanie wasn’t sure why her mother was putting her on the spot like this when Dr. Daniels had already explained how important the next two days would be. “I’ve seen lots of bypass patients who have gotten well and lived very healthy lives.”
Gladys shook her head in disgust. “I just wish he’d stopped eating all those ridiculous pork skins the way I asked him. I begged him, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“I’m sure it was much more than that,” Melanie tried to tell her. “With Dad having four blocked arteries, it would have taken a good while for that much plaque to build up. This didn’t happen just because of what he’s been eating over the last few weeks.”
“He’s been eating all sorts of things he shouldn’t for a long time. Now he might die because he wouldn’t put a stop to it.”
Why couldn’t her mother forget about all that and simply pray for her husband to get better? Nothing was ever good enough for her, especially if she couldn’t control a person. But for once, Melanie just wished she would keep her thoughts to herself. No one wanted to hear any of her ranting. The blank stares she saw on everyone else’s faces proved it.
“What we have to do is pray and keep our faith strong,” Melanie said.
“Absolutely,” Pastor Black added, “and if you don’t mind, Sister Johnson, I’d like to have a word of prayer before we leave.”
“Of course, Pastor.”
Everyone stood up, moved closer together, and held hands.
Curtis closed his eyes. “Dear heavenly Father, we come right now in the precious name of Jesus. Dear Lord, Brother Johnson is fighting for his life, and while we don’t have all the answers, what we do know is that You never, ever make mistakes and that You are always true to Your Word. So we ask that You would please heal and strengthen Brother Johnson. Make him whole again. Allow him to recover in a most miraculous way. Then, Lord, we ask that You would give strength and peace to his wife, Sister Johnson, and his daughter, Melanie, during this very trying time in their lives. We also ask that You would please heal Melanie from any illness attempting to attack her body. And then, Lord, please bless Brad as well, along with everyone else here who loves and cares about Brother Johnson’s well-being. I know You are with each of us every step of the way, and we thank You for that, dear God. We thank you for all that You’ve done, for all that You’re doing, and for all that You will surely do in the future. Lord, we ask for these and all other blessings in Your Son Jesus’s name, Amen.”
“Amen,” each of them said.
Pastor Black and Charlotte hugged everyone, said their good-byes, and left the conference room.
Brad walked over to the doorway. “Baby, as soon as you see your dad you need to go home and get some rest. Your car can stay here, and I’ll just drop you back off on my way to the office in the morning.”
Gladys glared at Melanie and frowned. “Home? I know you’re not going to just leave me here all alone. What if something happens while you’re gone?”
“Mom, I don’t want to, but I’m still feeling pretty weak. Once I get a few hours of rest, I promise I’ll be right back.”
“Weak?” she said, scowling. “What did they say was wrong with you, anyway?”
This was the first time her mother had asked her anything about the reason she’d passed out, which was beyond hurtful. Normally, her mother made sure to put on a good front for Alicia, Phillip, and Alicia’s parents, but not tonight. For whatever reason, she didn’t even try to pretend that she loved or had any respect for Melanie. She spoke to her and treated her any way she wanted, and she didn’t care who witnessed it.
“My electrolytes were a little off.”
“And what does that mean exactly?”
“My potassium was low, and I was dehydrated.”
“Oh well,” she said, acting as though none of what Melanie had told her was important. “Maybe if you ate right every single day instead of depriving yourself all at once, this wouldn’t happen.”
Melanie didn’t bother looking at Alicia or Phillip because she was far too embarrassed. “I’ll be back in a few hours, Mom.”
“You do whatever you want,” Gladys said, grabbing her handbag.
Freda got up and followed behind her. “Don’t you worry about a thing, Gladys. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here for as long as you need me.”
Melanie wanted to tell Freda to mind her own business the same as she’d told Alicia earlier, but she kept her mouth shut.
Gladys and Freda walked out of the room and so did Brad and Phillip, but Alicia stopped Melanie at the doorway.
“Mel, wait. Let me talk to you for a minute.”
“What is it?”
“I just wanted to say how sorry I am. Here you weren’t feeling well, and I come into your room questioning you and telling you what to do. I only said the things I said because I love you, but I truly apologize.”
Melanie barely looked at Alicia for more than a second. “Don’t even worry about it. Just forget the whole thing. I know I have.”
Alicia reached her arms out. “Truce?”
Melanie hugged her loosely enough to let her know her heart wasn’t in it. “I just told you I’ve already forgotten about it.”
“I’m glad,” Alicia said. “I’m staying in town tonight so I can get some sleep, but I’ll call you before I head back to my condo. I still have to read through the last few chapters of my manuscript.”
“Thanks for coming,” Melanie said as politely as she could. She loved Alicia, but she honestly didn’t like her right now. There was something else Melanie thought about, too. When Melanie had spoken to Alicia earlier on the phone, Alicia had told her she’d read the last page of her edits and was finally finished. She’d talked about how this was the reason her phone had been on silent. So why was Alicia lying? Although, knowing Alicia, if she was suddenly taking a long time to return phone calls and not telling the truth about it, she was up to something. It was the only time she did this kind of thing, and Melanie could only imagine what was coming.