
I have many people to thank for bringing this story to life.

First, I have to thank my family for putting up with me and my neurotic mood swings when I’m writing. That includes our rescue dog, Bud, and our rescue grand dog, Scout, who made sure I got plenty of cold, fresh air during the long days that went into writing this story.

A special thanks to my husband for helping me plot the story on one of our long drives. P.S. – This one is done. We need to take another road trip!

The Backdoor Billionaire’s Bride might never have been completed without the New Jersey Romance Writers who cheered me on during JeRoWriMo. I needed someone to hold my feet to the fire as much as I needed to know I was not alone in my struggles to get words on paper. For all of my fellow 30K’ers, I owe you one.

To Karen and Diane—thank you both for reading and giving me your honest opinion. It fills my heart to know I have friends I can count on.

Many thanks to Talina Perkins at Bookinitdesigns for the beautiful cover. I spout nonsense and you translate it into a work of art.

To my editor, Laura Garland at Wizards in Publishing, thank you for knowing where the commas go.