Abbas, Abu
Abdel-Rahman, Omar
Achille Lauro
Ahmed, Steve
Air Force One
Airline industry, liability protection
Airports, New York:
BAA USA Inc. battle for
Port Authority versus NYC
Air quality issues. See also Ground Zero health issues
governmental response
residential indoor
respirators for cleanup crews
safety subterfuge
al Qaeda
Alter, Jonathan
Ambassador Construction
American Airlines Flight
American Express (WTC tenant)
Anderson, Kill, Olick & Oshinsky
Anderson, Stanton
Anemone, Lou
body-handling controversy
as opponent of OEM site
and turf wars
Applied DNA Sciences
Arafat, Yasir
Arnold & Porter
Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials. See APCO
Ayyad, Nidal
Badillo, Herman
Bailey, Roy
Baker, Al
Balzano, Ralph
Bank of Credit and Commerce International. See BCCI
Barell, Marian
Barnett, Robert
“Bathtub crisis,”
Batts, Deborah
Bear Stearns
Bechtel Corp.
Becker, Kenneth
Ben-Veniste, Richard
Best, Jonathan
Bethune, Ed
Beyea, Ed
bin Laden, Osama
Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America (Bodansky)
Blaich, Charles
Blaich, William
Bloomberg, Michael:
command center site
communications improvements
counterterrorism efforts
as Giuliani’s successor
McKinsey reports
Nextel complaint
Port Authority relations
WTC cleanup
Bodansky, Yossef
Bolton, John
Boyle, Robert:
building code issues
lobbied by Peter Powers
lobbied by Randy Levine
relations with Giuliani
Bracewell & Patterson
Bratton, Bill
appointed by Giuliani
at odds with City Hall
pre-9/11 security issues
radio initiatives
and turf wars
Brezenoff, Stan:
building code issues
at odds with City Hall
security initiatives for WTC
Brillstein-Grey Entertainment
British Airport Authority
Broadwater Energy
Brown, Michael
Browne, Paul
Bryers, Richard
Bucca, Ronnie
Building code issues:
exemptions for OEM
high-rise fires
and roof rescues
WTC noncompliance
Building Officials and Code Administrators International
Burke, William
Burns, Arnold
Burton, Mike
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H.W.
Bush, George W.:
Bernard Kerik fiasco
cleanup pledge
contrasted to Giuliani
Giuliani’s support for
at Javits Center
9/11 activities
terrorist briefings
and Wall Street reopening
Bush, Jeb
Buzzelli, Pasquale
Cahill, Thomas
Calgary Herald, on Giuliani’s speaking fees
Cantor, Irwin
Caram, Pete
Carbonetti, Tony
Card, Andrew
Caspersen, Sam:
communications failures
critique of OEM
on FDNY failures
on NYPD versus FDNY
on rescue miscues
Cassidy, Steve
Casualties, WTC-related:
9/11 firefighters
9/11 Marriott hotel
9/11 occupants
9/11 police
9/11 Port Authority employees
1993 bombing
CB Real Estate Group
CB Richard Ellis
Centers for Disease Control
Chang, Ti-Hua
Cheney, Dick
Chicago Sun-Times,
Childers, J. Gilmore
CIA (WTC tenant)
Citigroup (WTC tenant)
City for Sale (Newfield)
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary:
versus Giuliani
9/11 cleanup issues
Cohen, Michael
Cohen, Neal
Command center, OEM:
code violations
cost of
description of
evacuation of
failure of
need for
9/11 dysfunction
origins of “Rudy’s bunker,”
in political turf wars
project approval
site search
square footage
Communications problems. See also Radio problems
in 1993 WTC bombing
in 9/11 WTC attack
Con Ed
Confessions of a Happy Christian (Ziglar)
Consulting magazine
Cooper, Gary
Crisci, John
Crisci, Leonard
Crouch, Stanley
Culley, Kevin
Cuomo, Mario
Daily News (NYC):
on Bernie Kerik
on Port Authority management
on post-9/11 terror threat
on Rudy Giuliani
on site contamination
on subway firebomb
on water main break
Daley, Michael
D’Amato, Al
D’Amuro, Pasquale
Dan Klores Associates
Defend-in-place strategy
Defense Department (WTC tenant)
DeGeneste, Henry
DeLay, Tom
Delgrosso, George
Deloitte Touche
Dempsey, Ted
Denslow, Ken
Department of Buildings
Department of Citywide Administrative Services. See DCAS
Department of Design and Construction (DDC)
Department of Environmental Protection
Department of Health
Department of Homeland Security. See Homeland Security
Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. See DOITT
Department of Investigations
Depippo, Henry
Diallo, Amadou
Diamond, Bill
Diamond, Marylin
Didion, James
Dinkins, David:
building code issues
deficit legacy
political fallout
privatization views
on terrorist threat
Disabled people, evacuating
Distenfield, Ira
Dobrin, Allan
Dole, Elizabeth
Downey, Ray
Drennan, John
Drexel Burnham
Duffy, Kevin
Dunn, Vincent
Dunne, Joe
Dyson, John:
BAA dealings
building code issues
Port Authority conflict
pre-9/11 security focus
Eckert, Beverly
Edge, Tracy
EEO Commission (WTC tenant)
Elevator rescues:
9/11 WTC
1993 WTC
Elevator World,
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Emergency 9-1-1 system
Emergency Operations Center. See Command center, OEM
Emergency personnel:
1993 WTC bombing
9/11 WTC attack
Entergy Nuclear
Environmental Protection Agency. See EPA
air quality reports
Bracewell & Patterson connection
contamination subterfuge
lawsuit against
respirator issues
Ericsson radios. See GE/Ericsson
Ernst & Young
Esposito, Joe
Family Circle, on Giuliani’s popularity
Farmer, John:
command center failures
communications failures
critique of OEM
on Giuliani’s accountability
rescue miscues
on rooftop rescues
FBI. See also Joint Terrorism Task Force (FBI)
and Kerik investigation
1980s terrorist warnings
1993 WTC bombing
as opponent of OEM site
FDNY. See Fire Department of New York
Federal Communications Commisssion. See FCC
Federal Emergency Management Agency. See FEMA
Federal Home Loan Bank (WTC tenant)
Feehan, William
Feinberg, Kenneth
ineptness of
role in cleanup
structural failure analysis
survivorship warning
Ferrer, Fernando
Fire Chiefs Association
Fire Department of New York:
casualties (9/11)
command and control issues
communications failures
culture of patronage
evaluation of errors
interoperability issues
leadership failures
new headquarters
9/11 interoperability problem
1993 WTC bombing
pre-9/11 building code issues
turf wars
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics,
Firth, Joe
Fischbein, Badillo, Wagner and Harding
Fischbein, Rick
Fischer, Jay
Fishbein, Matt
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Fitzpatrick, Tom
Fives restaurant (NYC)
Flanagan, Bryan
Fleischer, Ari
Ford, Gerald
Fox, Jim
Freed, Kathryn
Freeh, Louis
Fresh Kills Landfill
Fuentes, Al
Fusco, Anthony:
on command failures
under Giuliani
and 9/11 attack
on 1993 WTC bombing
post-1993-bombing analysis
on protective gear
on radio communication
on rooftop rescues
Gabrielle, Monica
Gallagher, Danica
Galvin, Tom
Ganci, Pete:
command decisions
communications failures
final report to Giuliani
Garza, Tony
Gault, Cecilia
Gault, Dennis
Gault, Yachiyo
Gelber, Marilyn
General Accounting Office (WTC tenant)
General Services Administration
Gerwin, Barbara
Get Motivated seminars
Gibson, John
Giuliani, Rudy. See also Giuliani Partners
BAA ties
career path
Ground Zero safety issues
1989 loss to Dinkins
machination for third term
Giuliani, Rudy (Continued)
marital issues
as mayor-elect
missteps on 9/11
9/11 activities
as 9/11 hero
personal health issues
presidential aspirations
record as mayor
speaking tours
Giuliani Partners:
Bernie Kerik fiasco
clients of
formation of
Nextel deal
quid pro quos
Richard Scheirer
run-up to
success of
Tom Fitzpatrick at
Tom Von Essen at
Goldmark, Peter
Gonzalez, Juan
Goodkind, Tom
Goodman, Roy:
building code issues
hearings, post-1993 bombing
proposals languish
Gorelick, Jamie
Gorman, Pete
Gorumba, Diane
Gorumba, Gail
Graham, John
Grasso, Richard
Green, Mark
Gregory, Steven
Grey, Brad
Gribbon, Frank
Gross, John
Ground Zero health issues. See also Air quality issues
disabling illnesses
follow-up statistics
respirators, lack of
Guzman-McMillan, Genelle
Haberman, Clyde
Hanover, Donna
Harding, Ray
Harding, Robert
Harding, Russell
Harris, Josephine
Harte, Steven
Hatton, Terry
Hauer, Jerry:
accountability issues
command center issues
on emergency response needs
hired on as OEM chief
interoperability issues
OEM fuel tank issues
OEM site
pre-9/11 security focus
relations with NYPD
Hawn, Goldie
Hayden, Swanke
Hazardous materials. See Toxins Ground Zero
Health and Hospitals Corp.
Health issues. See Ground Zero health issues
Healy, Luke
Giuliani’s protocols
misuse of in 9/11 attacks
rooftop rescues, 1993 bombing
Hellerstein, Alvin
Henderson, Maurice
Henican, Ellis
Henick, Chris
Herbert, Bob
Hess, Geoff
Hess, Michael
Heston, Charlton
Hevesi, Alan
High-rise fires:
difficulty fighting
Fusco analysis
OEM planning for
Hikind, Dov
Hoffman, Paul
Hogan, Robin
Holden, Ken
Holland Tunnel
Holtz, Lou
Holtzman, Liz
Homeland Security
Hooey, Eileen
Housing Development Corp.
Howard, George
Hughes, Catherine McVay
Hurricane Katrina
Hussein, Saddam
Hutchinson, Asa
Infante, Anthony
Institute on Terrorism
Internal Revenue Service (WTC tenant)
Islamic fundamentalism. See Muslim extremists
Ismoil, Eyad
Jacob Javits Federal Building
Jefferson Inc.
Jenkins, Brian
Joint Terrorism Task Force (FBI):
interaction with city hall
lack of FDNY representation
NYPD representation
Port Authority representation
Jonas, Jay
Joyce, John
Judge, Mychal
Kaye, Seth
Kean, Thomas
Keene, David
Keller, David
Keller, Timothy
Kelley, David
Kelly, Ray:
on command failures
and 1993 WTC bombing
on OEM site location
replaced as NYPD commissioner
on rooftop rescues
on terror threat
and turf wars
Kennedy Airport. See Airports, New York
Kerik, Bernard:
at Giuliani Partners
Homeland Security fiasco
9/11 actions
9/11 Commission testimony
as pharmaceutical consultant
as police commissioner
Port Authority antagonism
PR disaster
qualifications of
scandals alleged
Kerrey, Bob
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Stephen
Kirkiewicz, Renee
Kirtzman, Andrew
Kissinger, Henry
Klinghoffer, Leon
Koch, Ed
Koeppel, Howard
Kolbert, Elizabeth
Koven, Jay
Krenik, Ed
Kroll Associates
Kuhr, Steven
Kupferman, Joel
Kuriansky, Ed
Kyl, Jon
LaGuardia Airport. See Airports, New York
Landrigan, Philip
Larry King Live
Larsen, Scott
Lauder, Estée
Lauder, Ron
Leadership (Giuliani):
on 9/11 command posts
on OEM decision
praise for command center
PR for
on terrorism expertise
Lehman, John
Leonard, Bob
Leonard, J. Wayne
Letterman, David
Letterman show, Giuliani on
Levin, Neil
Levin, Stephen
Levine, Eric
Levine, Randy
Levy, Harold
Lhota, Joe
Liability, limiting
Libretti, Daniel
Libretti, Joe:
as first responder
physical ailments
posttraumatic stress
toxin exposure
Lifflander, Clay
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln Tunnel
Lippy, Bruce
Lipton, Eric
Livingstone, Neil
Lowe, Peter
Lynch, Cornelius
Lynne, Donna
Maikish, Charles
Malek, Fred
Mallitz, Craig
Manhattan Institute
Manhattan Republican Party
Man Who Warned America, The (Weiss)
Markowitz, Steven
Marley, Chris
Marlin, George
Marriott hotel (NYC)
Martin, Audrey
Martin, Judith
Mastro, Randy
Matthews, John
McArdle, Phil
McCain, John
McCarthy, Andrew
McCarthy, Garry
McCarthy, Sheryl
McCaughey, Betsy
McKinsey & Company:
command center failures
communications failures
FDNY failures
9/11 reports
McLaughlin, Marty
Meagher, Stephen
Giuliani’s adviser for
publicity for Giuliani
role in 9/11
Merrill Lynch
Messinger, Ruth
Metrotech building
Metzenbaum, Howard
Mexico City deal
Michels, Stan
Miele, Joel
Milken, Michael
Miller, John
Mims, Gregory
Mindel, Sunny
Miramax Books
Mohan, Jack
Molinari, Guy
Mollen, Scott
Mongello, John
Montana, Joe
Montedison (Italy-based)
Morgenthau, Robert
Morris, Joe
Morrone, Fred
Motherway, Bill
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mukasey, Michael
Murad, Abdul
Muslim extremists
Muszynsky, William
Nadler, Jerry
Napoli, Lou
Nathan, Judith
National Enquirer,
National Fire Protection Association
National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety
National Institute of Standards and Technology. See NIST
Natural Resources Defense Council
Netanyahu, Benjamin
New Republic, on Giuliani sellout
on airport controversy
on Bill Diamond
on Giuliani’s abortion stance
on Giuliani’s bid to stay
on Howard Safir
on Motorola scandal
on post-9/11 health issues
on Tom Sheer
on fire chief Feehan
on Giuliani’s heroism
on post-1993 terror threat
New Yorker,
New York Law and Justice Project
New York
New York Post:
on counterterrorism
Giuliani scandals
on “Rudy’s bunker,”
on third term for Giuliani
New York Stock Exchange
New York Sun, on Giuliani Partners
New York Times:
on Ambassador Construction
on Bill Diamond
on communications failures
on Ernst & Young tax breaks
on FDNY failures
on fuel tanks at WTC
on Giuliani Partners
on Giuliani’s defense of Grasso
on Giuliani’s law firm clients
on Giuliani’s popularity
on Giuliani’s third-term bid
on Ground Zero
job posting for OEM chief
on Kerik investigation
letter from WTC bomber
on McKinsey reports
on OEM failures
on post-9/11 health issues
on “Rudy’s bunker,”
Nidal, Abu
Nigro, Daniel
9/11 Commission hearings:
on command failures
on communications failures
on FDNY failures
on Giuliani’s accountability
on Giuliani’s heroism
Giuliani testimony
on OEM issues
on Port Authority
radio issues
on responder deaths
on rooftop rescues
1993 WTC bombing. See WTC bombing, 1993
NIST reports:
on building code issues
on command center failures
on communications failures
on FDNY failures
and Fusco analysis
on OEM failures
on radio failures
on responder deaths
on rooftop rescues
NYPD. See Police Department (NYPD)
Oakley, Robert
O’Brien, Morgan
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. See OSHA
Ochs, Ridgely
Oddo, Jim
Odermatt, John
OEM. See Office of Emergency Management, NYC
Office of Emergency Management, NYC:
command center (see Command center, OEM)
history of
lack of preparedness
turf wars with NYPD
Off-Track Betting Corp.
O’Hagan, John
Oklahoma City bombing
O’Mara, John
O’Neal, Dave
O’Neill, James
O’Neill, John
Oprah Winfrey Show, The,
Ortega, Joel
contamination subterfuge
as Ground Zero adviser
lawsuit against
respirator distribution
O’Sullivan, Edward
Oxford, Patrick
Oxley, Michael
OxyContin legislation
Paleski, John
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palmer, Orio
Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland)
Pataki, George:
Diamond’s fund-raiser for
environmentalism of
Giuliani’s lack of support for
on Giuliani’s third-term bid
goal to privatize WTC
Motorola connection
and 1996 TWA tragedy
second fiddle to Giuliani
Pelletier, Mike
Pelletier, Sophie
Perkal, Rick
Peruggia, John
Petrone-Hatton, Beth
Pfeifer, Joe
Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers
Plaugher, Edward
Police Academy (NYC)
Police Chiefs Association
Police Department (NYPD):
casualties (9/11)
command and control issues
interoperability issues
1993 WTC bombing
turf wars with FDNY
turf wars with OEM
Police Plaza
Pollution. See Toxins, Ground Zero
Port Authority:
failures of
Giuliani’s war with
lawsuit against
and 1993 WTC bombing
OEM noncompliance
profit issues
terrorist warnings, 1980s
WTC safety issues
Port Authority Police
Powell, Colin
Powers, Peter:
command center planning
as consultant
as deputy mayor
radio issues
role in OEM genesis
Powers, Ray
Powers Global Strategies
Prasad, Kuldeep
Press. See Media
Prezant, David
Proskauer Rose law firm
Purdue Pharma
Pymento, Glenn
Racicot, Marc
Radio problems. See also Communications problems
collusion factors
equipment inadequacies
interoperability issues
Motorola lawsuit
performance failures
technology issues
Ramos, Richard
Ramsden-Wood, Ruth
Rather, Dan
Ray, Lawrence
Reagan, Ronald
Reeve, Christopher
Regan, Judith
Regenhard, Christian
Regenhard, Sally
Reiss, Alan
Reiter, Fran
Rendon, Antonio
Reno, Janet
Rescue operations. See also Ground Zero health issues
Pentagon contrasted to WTC
workers as heroes
World Trade Center
Ridge, Tom
Rinaldi, Rudolph
Riordan, Richard
Rivera, Carlos
Roane, Kit
Robertson, Leslie
Roeser, Tom
Rolf Jensen & Associates
Rooftop rescues
Rooney, Sean
Ross, Wilbur
Rotanz, Richard
Rothschild Inc.
Rove, Karl
Roy, Janet
Rozenzweig, David
Rubenstein, Howard
Rubin, Robert
“Rudy’s bunker.” See Command center, OEM
Russert, Tim
Safir, Howard
as fire commissioner
as opponent of OEM site
as police commissioner
safety issues
scandals involving
turf war with NYPD
turf war with OEM
Salameh, Mohammed
Salem, Emad
Samuelson, Deborah
Sanchez, Alex
Sandberg, Ryne
Santiago, Hector
Santora, Alexander
Santora, Christopher
Satin, Maury
Savas, Steve
Schapelhouman, Harold
Schiliro, Lewis
Schissel, Michael
Schumer, Charles
Schwartz, Richard
Scoppetta, Nicholas
Scott, Robert
Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
SEC (WTC tenant)
Secret Service (WTC tenant)
Semendinger, Greg
Shafran, Jack
Shays, Chris
Shea, Kevin
Sheer, Tom
Sheirer, Richard
communications problems
critique of command center
at Giuliani Partners
as Nextel board member
9/11 recall
as OEM director
as opponent of OEM site
role in creation of OEM
and turf wars
Shell company
Shorris, Tony
Shultz, George
Siegel, Fred
Silver, Sheldon
Silverstein, Klara
Silverstein, Larry
Silverstein Properties
Simon, Bill
Sklar, Stanley
Skyscraper Safety Campaign
Snell, Dietrich
Snyder, Leslie Crocker
Sorkin, Andrew Ross
Spandorf, Deborah Barell
Spitzer, Eliot
Sprague, Bruce
Sprint-Nextel merger
Stairway A, WTC
Stallman, Michael
Stanton, Don
Steisel, Norman:
airport issues
as stand-in for Dinkins
transition issues
Stogner, Warren
Strong of Heart (Von Essen)
Subcarrier Communications
Sullivan, Andrew
Superfund designation
Tallon, Eileen
Tallon, Rosaleen
Tallon, Sean Patrick
Taylor, Cate
Taylor, Jeff
Terrorists. See Muslim extremists
Thatcher, Margaret
Thomas, Landon
Tierney, John
Time magazine:
on Bill Bratton
Giuliani kudos
on 1993 WTC bombers
on NYC command center
on OEM pre-9/11 drills
Today show, Giuliani on
Todd, Kim
Toensing, Victoria
Touw, Steve
Town, Phil
Toxins, Ground Zero
Transit Authority
Traulsen, Regine
Treasury Department (WTC tenant)
Trolan, William
Turnaround (Bratton)
Ground Zero effect
health issues
radio issues
response to 9/11
search for remains
United Airlines Flight
United Airlines Flight
United Nations
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
U.S. Geological Survey
USA Today,
Vallone, Peter
Velella, Guy
Victim Compensation Fund:
awards statistics
deadline for
effect on exposing 9/11 failures
NYC amendment
Viguerie, Richard
Village Voice, on cleanup issues
Virgilio, Lucy
Vista Hotel
Von Essen, Tom:
analysis of FDNY failures
command post issues
communications failures
credentials of
on EPA cleanup help
at Giuliani Partners
high-rise firefighting
on leadership failures
Motorola scandal
9/11 role
in praise of Motorola
on protective gear
radio failures
rescue versus recovery
on rooftop rescues
and turf wars
Von Rabb, William
Walinsky, Adam
Wallace, Staci
Wall Street Journal,
Walsh, William
Walters, Barbara
Water main break
Weinberg, Ken
Weinlein, Michael
Weinshall, Iris
Weiss, Murray
We The People
White, Mary Jo
White & Case
Whitman, Christie
Wilkins, William
Williams, Montel
Wilson, Howard
Windows on the World restaurant
Winfrey, Oprah
Winkler, Henry
Worby, David
Workers’ compensation
World Trade Center. See also WTC attack, 9/11; WTC bombing, 1993
under attack
code compliance
collapse of command center
as command center site
financial woes
1993 bomb damage
Port Authority ownership
safety issues
tax issues
as terrorist target
WTC attack, 9/11. See also Casualties WTC-related
building code issues
command center (see Command center, OEM)
day of
George Bush during
Giuliani’s legacy
WTC bombing, 1993. See also Casualties, WTC-related
firefighters’ response to
Giuliani’s disconnect
Goodman hearings
lessons from
as 9/11 preface
political fallout from
Yasin, Aboud
Young, Chris
Young, Denny:
communications issues
at Giuliani Partners
Jerry Hauer interview
and Kerik scandals
law firm clients
OEM site
role on 9/11
and turf wars
Yousef, Ramzi
Zadroga, James
Zadroga, Ronda
Zadroga, Tylerann
Zahran, Zack
Zelikow, Philip
Zelmanowitz, Abe
Zelmanowitz, Jack
Ziglar, Zig