
To Denise & Mike and more adventures in the 8th dimension

For Herman Zimmerman and all his talented artists and designers in the Deep Space Nine Art Department, who took “a strange, intriguing object in orbit of Bajor” and made it the best-looking series on television

And last, though not least … since before our sun burned hot in space, every writer of a Star Trek novel or nonfiction book has had an unsung partner—a heroic captain whose mission it is to keep them true to the Star Trek universe, its history, its character, and its ideals. In return, she’s faced with Star Trek book writers (okay, like us) who push her unmercifully on deadlines, who grumble about her notes (especially when she’s right), and who rarely share with her the bottom-line truth: she makes all of our books better. After sixteen of them, we thought it was about time to come clean.

So, with respect, appreciation, and many, many thanks, this one’s for Paula Block.

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