
I have been extremely lucky to have had enormous support from so many people who helped me turn my simple idea into a reality.

I am deeply indebted to my late attorney, mentor, and, most of all, a very dear friend, Keven Davis. This book would not have happened without his careful guidance, deep commitment, and his belief in this project. I know he would have been the happiest to see this book come to life, and I dedicate this book to him. I am grateful to Keven’s gifted legal team at GBS Law who collaborated on this project—Hilary Hughes, Theresa Simpson, and Maureen Look.

I thank my literary agent, Laura Dail, who immediately grasped the raw idea of this book and tackled the project with impressive force and determination. I am extremely grateful to Katie McHugh at Perseus/Da Capo Press, who took a great leap of faith in a concept and, with vision, precision, and expertise, shaped this book into something real and complete. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my passion.

I would like to express my gratitude to the pediatrician, friend, and writer, Dr. Lisa Stern, who was recommended to me by the leading liver specialist at UCLA as the “best pediatrician in the entire Los Angeles area and the best doctor I know.” Thank you for your support and friendship and for writing a foreword to the book. To Bonnie Modugno, the nutritionist who guided me throughout the entire book, thank you for your expertise. Thank you Beatrice Peltre for bringing such beauty to the book with your photographs. And to Meirav Sakalowsky, thank you for writing the preface, for embracing my “baby brain food” idea from the very beginning, and for allowing me to give guidance on Isabella’s meals; I am so happy to have watched her grow and thrive.

Dr. Paul Crane, Dr. Marvin Ament, Dr. Balfour, and the nurses at Cedars-Sinai who guided us through very difficult times; I thank you all very much. My deep appreciation goes to Donna Hollarin and her Baby Group in Santa Monica and the Pump Station in Santa Monica for giving me a much-needed place of comfort in those trying first months of my son’s life.

I am grateful to Halona, for always being there to encourage and guide me in everything I do; to Belle, for the incredible friendship, support, and kindness during the toughest times of my life and for constantly sharing new recipes and food ideas with me—this book was inspired by the conversations we had together since Magnus was 3 months old. And to my friends and family who encourage and inspire me: Kira, Lisa, Laura, Moufida, Feriel, Somesha, Herbie, Gigi, Jessica, Melinda, Tom, Cheri, Karon, Kahlil, Noa, Nancy, Ben, Daniel, Cynthia, Pedramin, Agathe, Patricia, Leandro, Mirjam, Staci, Aarti, and Jennifer.

And most importantly, my family—my mother, who taught me to cherish food and to persevere in all that I tackle; my brother, for looking out for me and our family; my little Magnus, for being such an incred ible light in my life; and Kjetil, for believing in me and supporting me in everything I do and cheering me on to go further—thank you for always being there for me. None of this would have been possible without you.