
Chapter Thirty-Seven


Davina leaned against the door frame of Amie’s hospital room in the Army of Light headquarters. Cailin sat at Amie’s bedside, holding her hand, and James stood behind his wife.

She knocked on the jamb to get their attention. “Korban and Anthony are back from their jaunt into the past to set things up for their other...jaunt...from...” Davina tossed her hands in surrender. “I give up. This time travel boggles the mind. Korban is changed and ready to accompany you both back home.”

“It was so wonderful to see you kids.” Amie kissed Cailin’s fingers. “Just remember, your father remembers all your children, including Kyle, growing into adulthood. Have faith that you are successful in rescuing him.”

Cailin rose and carefully embraced Amie, mindful of her IV. James kissed Amie’s brow and she patted his cheek. “Take care of each other.”

“We will.” He nodded. “Be of good health, Amie.”

Davina stepped aside to let her children pass. “I’ll come back to check on you later.”

Amie waved her off. “I’m going to sleep, so don’t bother. All this excitement has me worn out.”

Dr. Thompson entered and removed the deflated IV bag. “Due for a change, I see.” He gifted Amie a secret smile.

Whoa. She’ll need to pester Mom for news on that development. Amie glared around Dr. Thompson and Davina scrambled from the room to avoid her mother’s wrath. She caught up with James and Cailin, and accompanied them up one flight to the storage room where a crowd of well-wishers waited around the mirror.

“There you are.” The Time Tailor scratched at the rough linen Renaissance collar buttoned at his neck.

“They were saying their goodbyes to Amie.” Davina smiled, happy to see everyone was here to wish James and Cailin good luck on their journey. Broderick, Angus, Kahli. The Hunter brothers, Anthony and Christine. Malloren, Cordelia and Peter.

Broderick sidled up to Davina and wrapped an arm about her waist.

“Admittedly, some things can be changed with time travel, as we saw with the outcome of the apocalypse.” Korban urged James and Cailin forward. “And we saw how James and Cailin traveling into the future was meant to be a part of that change. Had it not been for their trip, our world would be a much different place. But they have not yet begun writing their journals, so back to the sixteenth century they must go. And...” Korban cast Broderick a sad smile. “I hate to think I can’t use the compass, but...would you like to give them the needle?”

“O’ course.” Broderick dug in his pocket for the Star of Bethlehem. Prying the lid open, he plucked the needle from the center pin. “This, little girl, is yers for safe-keepin’. Ye tied this trinket to a ribbon and used it to mark the place ye left off while writin’ yer journals.”

“Aye, Da.” Cailin wrapped it in her kerchief and tucked it into her pouch. “I promise, we’ll start cataloguing our adventures as soon as we rescue Kyle.”

Korban rubbed his hands together. “Okay, I know you two brought me up to speed about what you did prior to going through the mirror, but I need the date and time you went back, as close as you can manage. You say the town clock struck the half-hour, correct?”

“That’s correct,” James confirmed. “It was the twenty-seventh of November, fifteen thirty-three at half-past six o’clock in the morning.”

“Excellent.” Korban clicked the dials. “We should be safe if we go back at six-thirty. That should give us enough time to hide from your past selves.”

Davina came forward and hugged her daughter. “I’m going to miss you, baby girl.”

Broderick embraced James, a mutual round of backslapping and tearful nods between them. He and Davina switched spots and exchanged hugs yet again.

Davina rested her cheek against Rick’s biceps as he held Cailin in his arms. “Remember, don’t let us know about these adventures. Never let me feed from ye.”

Cailin tilted her head to meet his gaze. “I’ll do my best, but you know I have a hard time keeping secrets from you.”

He smirked. “Ye won’t be keeping secrets. Ye’ll just be tellin’ me later. Besides, I would have forbidden you and James from goin’ anywhere because I would’ve been so worried about ye. Ye have my permission to keep my stubborn past-self in the dark. There. Does that help?”

Cailin stifled a warm laugh against his chest. “Indeed. I shall write them to you, then.”

Davina gave Cailin one more kiss before she joined James in offering everyone a round of embraces and goodbyes.

Korban jotted something in his tattered journal, then handed his smart phone to Davina. “Would you mind holding on to this while I’m gone? Seems this isn’t going to be a short trip.”

“What do you mean?”

“According to a letter I left myself...” He patted the leather pouch attached to his crude belt. “...along with these clothes and supplies, I’m going to be more than just an hour or two, and I don’t want to take any chances I’ll misplace the phone or get caught with it and burned at the stake.”

Davina pressed the cellular phone to her heart. “Of course.”

Korban, James and Cailin donned their cloaks and bundled themselves in their winter gear.

After fastening the hook of his cloak, Korban double-checked the dials on the mirror. “You have the Heart of Terra?”

Cailin pulled it from her bodice to show she still had it around her neck.

“Then let’s make history.” The Time Tailor touched the tiny hourglass and the Sands of Time swirled and sparkled. The hazy surface rippled and faded to black matte. Korban swept his arm toward the portal. “After you, my lady.”

Cailin hiked her skirts, inhaled deep and put her leg through the mirror. Foot planted firmly on the other side, she gave one last teary glance to Davina and Rick. “We shall see you again.”

“Give our love to Kyle,” Davina managed through her tears.

Her daughter disappeared and James followed. Korban bowed to Broderick and Davina. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure Kyle is safely returned.”

“He is the first of many siblings.” Davina smiled with confidence. “I have no doubt.”

Korban munched on his toothpick and stepped into the past.