Table of Contents
Territorial Range of Wildflowers
Red, Orange and Pink Flowers
Common Hound’s-Tongue
Water Smartweed (Water Knotweed)
Red Columbine (Western Columbine)
Cushion Cactus (Ball Cactus)
Dotted Blazingstar
Flodman's Thistle
Spotted Knapweed
Black Gooseberry
Fireweed (Great Willowherb)
Scarlet Butterflyweed
Elephant’s Head
Red Paintbrush
Strawberry Blite
Kinnikinnick (Bearberry)
Pink Wintergreen
Pipsissewa (Prince’s Pine)
Nodding Onion
Western Wood Lily
Scarlet Mallow
Showy Milkweed
Spotted Coralroot (Summer Coralroot)
Striped Coralroot
Wild Bergamot
Red Clover
Prickly Rose
Three-Flowered Avens (Old Man’s Whiskers)
White, Green and Brown Flowers
Evening Star
Clustered Oreocarya
Water Crowfoot (Water Buttercup)
Canada Anemone
Western Clematis (White Virgin’s Bower)
Cow Parsnip
Water Hemlock
Common Cattail
Arrow-Leaved Sweet Coltsfoot
Ox-Eye Daisy
Pineapple Weed (Disc Mayweed)
Tufted Fleabane
Northern Gooseberry
Spreading Dogbane
Bunchberry (Dwarf Dogwood)
Red Osier Dogwood
Butte Primrose (Gumbo Evening Primrose)
Wild Sarsaparilla
Fringed Grass of Parnassus
Greenish-Flowered Wintergreen (Green Wintergreen)
Indian Pipe (Ghost Plant)
Labrador Tea
One-Sided Wintergreen
Single Delight (One-Flowered Wintergreen)
Low-Bush Cranberry (Mooseberry)
Death Camas (Meadow Death Camas)
False Solomon’s Seal
Prairie Onion
White Camas
Northern Bedstraw
Sweet-Scented Bedstraw
Seneca Snakeroot
Morning Glory (Hedge Bindweed)
Pennycress (Stinkweed)
Black Henbane
Hooded Ladies’ Tresses
Round-Leaved Orchid
Sparrow’s-Egg Lady’s Slipper (Franklin’s Lady’s Slipper)
Ground Plum
White Clover (Dutch Clover)
White Peavine
Wild Licorice
Moss Phlox
Field Chickweed (Mouse-Ear Chickweed)
Mealy Primrose
Western Spring Beauty
Birch-Leaf Spirea
Black Hawthorn
Saskatoon (Serviceberry)
Trailing Raspberry
White Cinquefoil
Wild Strawberry
Pale Comandra (Bastard Toadflax)
Richardson’s Alumroot
Western Canada Violet
Blue and Purple Flowers
Common Butterwort
Tall Lungwort (Mertensia)
Blue Clematis
Blue Columbine
Low Larkspur
Prairie Crocus
Blue Lettuce
Bull Thistle
Canada Thistle
Parry’s Townsendia
Showy Aster
Smooth Blue Aster
Small-Flowered Beardtongue (Slender Beardtongue)
Smooth Blue Beardtongue
Blue Flax
Hairy Four O’Clock (Umbrellawort)
Northern Gentian
Sticky Purple Geranium
Western Bog Laurel (Swamp Laurel)
Blue-Eyed Grass
Giant Hyssop
Marsh Hedge Nettle
Marsh Skullcap
Wild Mint (Field Mint)
Dame’s Rocket (Dame’s Violet)
Venus Slipper (Fairy Slipper)
Ascending Purple Milk Vetch
Purple Milk Vetch
Purple Prairie Clover
Showy Locoweed
Silky Lupine
Shooting Star
Bog Violet
Yellow Flowers
Common Bladderwort
Puccoon (Lemonweed)
Western False Gromwell
Clustered Broomrape
Yellow Buckwheat (Umbrella Plant)
Creeping Buttercup (Seaside Buttercup)
Marsh Marigold
Meadow Buttercup
Prickly-Pear Cactus
Heart-Leaved Alexanders (Meadow Parsnip)
Leafy Musineon
Arrow-Leaved Balsamroot
Black-Eyed Susan
Brown-Eyed Susan
Colorado Rubber Weed
Prairie Coneflower
Stemless Rubber Weed (Butte Marigold)
Yellow Evening Primrose
Yellow Beardtongue (Yellow Penstemon)
Yellow Monkeyflower
Golden Corydalis
Twining Honeysuckle
Prairie Rocket
Soopolallie (Canadian Buffaloberry)
Wolf Willow (Silverberry)
Yellow Lady’s Slipper
Buffalo Bean (Golden Bean)
Cushion Milk Vetch
Field Locoweed
Yellow Hedysarum
Yellow Sweet Clover
Early Cinquefoil
Shrubby Cinquefoil
Narrow-Petalled Stonecrop (Wormleaf Stonecrop)
Jewelweed (Touch-Me-Not)
Yellow Wood Violet
Yellow Pond Lily (Yellow Water Lily)
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