Rawley was first awake, and he lay for some minutes in the intense darkness going over in his mind the events of the previous hours. He was reassured to find that the air was comparatively fresh, for he had been unable to rid himself entirely of the fear that Kelly’s gang might have heard the noise of the firing and returned to re-block the chimney. At last he put out his hand and felt for the matches on the shelf above the bunk. He struck one cautiously and lighted the candle stump on the table. He propped up a tattered magazine to shield the light from Alf who lay snoring in the other bunk.
Their stores, with the exception of the ham, still lay on the floor. He surveyed them thoughtfully. Where was the ham? Why, yes, he had put it on the table to flick the dirt from it just before that first bomb came down the chimney. And then the candle had gone out, and—oh yes—he had upset the table so as to form some sort of protection against further bombs. The ham must be on the floor somewhere then.
He found it almost buried under loose earth, and he replaced it on the table after removing as much of the dirt as possible. The long French loaf was more easily freed from its covering of earth, and the butter was cleanly wrapped in paper. Tea was the difficulty. They needed something hot to warm them for the long task that lay ahead, but he dared not light a fire. One of Kelly’s gang might see the smoke. There was one bottle of wine left, but wine at breakfast was not very enticing. He looked through the articles which Alf had looted from the canteen and found what he needed, two slabs of solidified alcohol, refills for a Tommy’s cooker. With one of these he boiled enough water for a mug of tea each, and then he awakened Alf.
They ate an excellent breakfast. Rawley insisted upon it; and Alf needed little encouragement. They had ample supplies. More, perhaps, than they would be able to carry away, and they would work the better for a full meal.
After breakfast they piled their stores in the corner farthest from the shaft, and set to work. Their only implement was an entrenching-tool, and they arranged that one should dig in the shaft whilst the other, armed with a board, shovelled the loose earth from the step and piled it in a corner of the dug-out. With such a small implement progress was necessarily slow, and other difficulties soon presented themselves.
Rawley had taken first turn with the entrenching-tool, and after twenty minutes hard digging, when he had made a tunnel some two feet in diameter and three feet in length, the roof came in and not only covered the two steps he had cleared but the third as well. Alf then took a turn at digging, but no sooner had he made a tunnel a few feet in length than a like catastrophe occurred.
Rawley suspended operations and lighted his pipe. “If we go on like this,” he said, “the roof will keep coming in and we shall have to go on digging till we’ve dug out all the earth on top—and that’s a good thirty feet. The only other thing to do is to revet the tunnel with timber. And the question is, where is the timber coming from?” He looked round the dug-out. “We can break up those boxes, and those few floor boards will have to come up. And we may be able to take a plank here and there from the walls. We’ll make the tunnel as small as possible—just big enough to crawl through and if we put the planks like an inverted V, that will save one bit of wood each time on the roof. Come on, let’s get to work. Where is that saw?”
By experiment they found that when two planks about two and a half feet in length were propped against each other with their bases some two feet apart, it was just possible to crawl under them. Alf set to work with the saw, and Rawley resumed digging, but he found, as soon as the first two revetments were in position, that although it was not difficult to crawl under them it was no easy matter to dig. The confined space made it impossible to swing the entrenchment tool, and he had to remove the handle and use the blade as a scoop. Also it was very tiring to dig while lying flat on the chest; and the only way of getting rid of the loose earth was to push it down one’s side with one hand, and then by bending the knee as far as possible, scrape it out behind to Alf with one foot. However they persevered, and when the tunnel was nearly seven feet in length, knocked off and ate another meal.
But the work became harder and more difficult as they progressed. The confined space made breathing so difficult that ten minutes or a quarter of an hour was as long as one could dig without a rest, and there was the ever present fear that a pair of the planks would slip and block the tunnel behind one. It took several minutes to crawl up the tunnel to the point of working, and more than double that time to worm one’s way out backwards.
Rawley indeed did have an accident. While scraping the earth back behind him his foot displaced a board and brought down a small avalanche of earth that blocked the tunnel behind him. Fortunately Alf was in the tunnel at the moment and was able to scrape away enough earth with his hands to allow him to replace the revetment.
When the tunnel reached the top of the steps Rawley wormed his way out backwards into the dug-out and announced his intention of knocking off for the night. They were both utterly worn out, and it was obviously unwise to continue. They ate a meal in a depressed silence which the last bottle of wine was unable to relieve. Though tired out, Rawley found it impossible to sleep. He tossed from side to side on his narrow wire-netting bunk, and when at times he did doze, it was only to dream that he was still working on the tunnel, or to awaken with the horror of entombment upon him. The prospect of the morrow appalled him. The thought of again entering the tunnel terrified him. His thoughts revolved in an endless circle; sleep would not come.
At last he abandoned the pretence. He cautiously lighted the candle and shielded the light from Alf, whose regular breathing came from the opposite bunk. He filled his pipe, that one soothing companion of all his troubles, and with the first few fragrant puffs his mind ceased to revolve futilely in a circle: it began to work constructively.
He rummaged in his box of odds and ends for a pencil. He opened the half-used field message book and began to draw a sectional plan of the dug-out, the shaft, and the gallery that led up to the trench. He drew it roughly to scale, using one side of the little squares into which the paper was divided to represent one foot. There were ten steps in the shaft that led immediately from the dug-out, then followed a gallery some sixteen feet in length, sloping upwards and ending in three steps up into the trench. They had dug the tunnel to the top of the shaft; there remained the gallery and the three steps to be traversed. Looking at the diagram, he saw clearly now what he had realized subconsciously for some time; they would never be able to complete the tunnel. Apart from the doubtful possibility of their being able to endure the strain of working in and digging so long and small a tunnel, there was not enough timber left to revet it. They had already taken from the walls of the dug-out nearly all the timber that could be removed with safety.
The realization of this, however, did not depress him. His feeling was rather of relief at the knowledge that he would not have to work again in that detestable tunnel. But some other way out must be found, and he set to work to tackle the problem.
He started, as it were, from first causes. The passage to the upper air was blocked by a fall of earth caused by the explosion, presumably of a shell. This had no doubt caused the roof to collapse in the neighbourhood of the explosion, but surely not the whole length of that gallery and shaft. For at least half the distance that separated the dug-out from the trench the timber roof must still be in position, although the passage itself was blocked with earth. Therefore, theoretically, that cramped and terrifying tunnel should be necessary only to traverse the actual place where the roof timbers had collapsed. But where was that place?
He turned again to his diagram. About half way down the sloping gallery there had been a fall of earth, round which he and Alf had always had to squeeze when entering or leaving the dug-out, and it was at this bottle-neck that they had erected the baulk of timber wedged with a pit-prop that they called their door. Kelly’s men had not forced this; therefore the explosion had taken place on the far side of it. Almost certainly they had placed the shell on the other side of the “door,” and exploded it there. If that were so, it was probable that only a section of the roof timbers in the middle of the gallery were shattered, and those in the shaft were almost certainly intact. The earth that blocked the steps was due merely to the steepness of the shaft. If they could clear this out, the actual tunnel would be needed only in that collapsed section in the middle of the gallery. The plan would be not to dig along the floor as they had done up to now, but to dig along the top just under the roof timbers, and to start the tunnel only when they ceased.
Having worked this out to his satisfaction, he climbed again into his bunk, blew out the candle, and in a few minutes was asleep.
When Rawley awoke it was to find that Alf had already been up some time and that breakfast was ready. During the eating of it he told Alf the result of his nocturnal meditations and submitted the diagram for verification. Alf thought that the gallery was longer than Rawley had drawn it, but expressed his unqualified delight at the news that he would not have to start work again immediately in the tunnel.
They began digging at the top as Rawley had suggested, and found that, with the increased room and air, the work proceeded much faster than formerly. The few remaining planks were used to stop the earth from sliding farther down the shaft, and then a tunnel was dug about two feet in diameter just under the roof beams, the digger crawling over the earth that covered the steps. They found as Rawley had anticipated that the roof beams were intact, and they reached the entrance to the gallery after a little over two hours digging. They had not progressed more than about four feet along the gallery, however, before the entrenching-tool struck a hard substance. Rawley, who was digging at the time, called for a candle, and by its light found that the obstacle was a thick baulk of timber buried in the soil. This was evidently one of the roof timbers. The baulk lay diagonally across their tunnel, the upper end resting on one of the side timbers of the gallery, the lower end disappearing into the surrounding soil.
They had now reached the collapsed sector where tunnelling would be necessary, but Rawley foresaw a new difficulty. Ahead of him these shattered roof timbers lay, no doubt, embedded in the soil at all angles, and the difficulty of digging the tunnel that was now necessary would be greatly increased by having to go over or under these timbers whenever they were encountered. The problem required thinking out. They had already wasted much time and labour by hasty action, and he had no intention of making a second mistake. They had been at work for over three hours. He decided to take their midday meal and think over the problem.
“It’s quite simple really,” he said to Alf as he lighted his pipe at the end of the meal. “The explosion would shatter the timbers and probably raise them a little, and then the earth on top would come in and fill the gallery. Therefore, the timbers must be—most of them at any rate—below their normal position. If we dig our tunnel upwards a bit then, just above the old level of the roof, we ought not to strike any timbers. And now we must crawl up that damned tunnel of ours and bring out the planks; for we shall want them for the new tunnel.”
They tossed to decide who should go first, and Alf won. So Rawley wormed his way up the narrow tunnel and very gingerly removed the last two supporting planks. He managed to slide them over his back and push them away with his feet. Then he moved back a bit and removed the next two planks. He removed three before the unsupported part of the tunnel fell in, and then the rush of earth flowed into his face and nearly suffocated him. It was a terrifying experience, lying as he was in complete darkness; but when he had wormed back a foot or two the rush of earth ceased. It made it very difficult, however, to remove the end pair of planks which were now completely embedded in soil. He managed it at last without any further fall of earth, and then he wormed his way back to the dug-out for a rest.
Alf then took his turn and brought out several more pairs of planks, and finally all were removed without accident. But the operation had taken them nearly as long as the whole digging of the larger tunnel under the roof. Alf wiped the sweat from his face with a grimy hand. He made no attempt to disguise his dislike of narrow tunnels. He was obviously not looking forward to the digging of the new one. He said that they had done enough for one day, and suggested that they should turn in and leave the beginning of the new one for the morrow.
Rawley disagreed. He disliked the tunnel, he said, as much as Alf did—perhaps more—but that was all the more reason for splitting up the work into short stretches. If they dug only four feet tonight that would be four feet less to dig tomorrow, and they would be very glad of those four feet before tomorrow was out.
And so they set to work. One point Rawley found he had forgotten: the fact that by digging along the top instead of along the floor of the gallery they had deprived themselves of a firm base on which to rest the inverted Vs. At the first attempt the edges of the planks gradually drove into the soil by reason of the pressure above, but they overcame the difficulty by resting the inverted V upon a third plank which formed the floor of the tunnel. And although the amount of timber they would need was thus increased by one third, Rawley was confident that they would have enough.
He produced his diagram to prove his contention. The gallery, they were agreed, was roughly sixteen feet in length. The explosion had taken place nearly in the middle—that was to say, some eight feet from the top of the shaft. Four feet from the top of the shaft they had reached the limit of the roof’s collapse. That was presumably four feet from the centre of the explosion; and presuming that the damage on the far side was of equal extent, a further four feet should bring them to the undamaged roof again. The tunnel then would be only eight feet in length, and they had ample timber for that. They drove their tunnel three feet and then turned in for the night.
The next morning they continued the work in good spirits. Alf went in first and extended the tunnel to seven feet; and then Rawley took his turn whilst Alf in the larger tunnel under the sound roof passed up the revetting planks and shovelled out the loose earth. Rawley added a foot, put up the V-shaped revetting planks, and wormed forward again. He added a further two feet and discovered, whilst making a firm bed for a floor plank to rest on, that there were timbers beneath him. He cleared away some of the earth that covered them and satisfied himself by feeling over them that they were the roof timbers of the gallery undamaged and in position. They had bridged the gap, but by digging their tunnel a little high, were now on top instead of under the roof timbers beyond.
Rawley wormed his way back a foot and cleared the soil from the top of the roof timbers. He went back a further foot before he found the edge of the gap where the roof timbers had collapsed. Then he dug down and under. And very glad he was to feel a substantial roof over his head again.
It was time for Alf to relieve him at digging, but he was too near success now to stop. With a firm roof overhead, and plenty of room to swing the entrenching-tool, the work progressed rapidly. Barely four feet of the new broad tunnel had been dug before the earth seemed to melt from his entrenching-tool and light flowed over him like cool water. It was a very subdued light, but the blessed light of day nevertheless. The roof was close above him, and he lay on his side looking down a slope of loose earth. At the foot of the slope were the steps leading up into the trench by the entrance that was partially blocked by the old landslide. Through the small gap under the fallen beam subdued daylight now streamed.
Rawley shouted the good news to Alf and scrambled down the slope. A few moments later they stood side by side in the trench drinking in the clean air and revelling in the clear light of day, and at that moment the dreary landscape that stretched about them seemed the most beautiful they had ever gazed upon.
At last Rawley turned. “Well,” he said, “now we must go back, pack up, have a meal, and clear.”
Alf grimaced. “I never thought we’d get up here no more,” he said. “But now we are up ’ere, I don’t like goin’ back again. Do you? S’posin’ that perishin’ little tunnel come in!”
“It won’t,” said Rawley. He spoke shortly, for he was very much of Alf’s way of thinking. “And besides, what about our stores! Are we going to leave all those?”
“I s’pose not,” said Alf gloomily.
“Come on, I’ll go first,” said Rawley.
They reached the dug-out in safety, and recommenced the task of packing that had been interrupted so dramatically. Then they ate their last meal at the little table and prepared to leave. Alf went first with a rope in his hand. He crawled through the eight odd feet of narrow tunnel and then, by means of the rope, dragged his rolled-up blankets after him. The rope was passed back and Rawley’s blankets were drawn through. Then the other stores were dragged through in like manner. Rawley was about to follow when a shout from Alf stopped him. “My suit-case, chum!” he called. “Struth, I nearly forgot all about it. It’s un’erneath my bunk.”
Rawley went back, found the suit-case, and returned; but they had the greatest difficulty in passing it through the narrow stretch of tunnel, and when it stuck half way, refusing to budge either forward or back, Rawley lost his temper. “Hell take your rotten suit-case,” he cried. “It has got nothing in it except junk, I expect, and now it has blocked the tunnel with me on the wrong side.” They dared not use any force for fear of displacing their revetment, but by long and patient coaxing, during which Rawley’s head and shoulders were in the low tunnel, and he momentarily expected the roof to descend upon him, they slid it along inch by inch. Finally Alf pulled it out with an exclamation of triumph, but the incident caused a tension between them that lasted for an hour or more.
Up in the trench they divided the stores, slung the rolled blankets over their shoulders, and shouldered their sacks. In addition they each carried a rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition. Alf carried his precious suit-case across his chest to balance the weight of the sack to which it was tied. Rawley had the tattered maps.
They followed the trench down to the ruined village from which they had so often drawn water; then, after assuring themselves that no one was in sight, crossed the grass-grown road and struck across country up the slope by the shattered wood. The ground was rough and, heavily loaded as they were, they made slow progress. Rawley had decided to cut straight across country towards the cellar which they had chosen for their future home. He had set his map as nearly as possible before leaving the trench, but he had no compass to guide him, and was marching by the glow of the sun that was occasionally visible behind the clouds.
Prudently they kept a sharp look out around them. And it was fortunate they did so, for as they were descending a gentle slope they came suddenly upon a little party of horsemen in a sunken road below. The horsemen, five in number, were sitting motionless on their animals, with their backs towards Rawley and Alf. Two of them, side by side, were apparently studying a map. It was a tense moment for the two vagabonds. By silent agreement they had dropped flat. To retreat back over the slope seemed too dangerous, and yet it was dangerous to remain where they were. One of the two horsemen studying the map had stretched out his arm and was pointing to his flank; at any moment he might turn in the saddle.
Rawley glanced despairingly about him. Fifteen yards to his right were the remains of a building of some kind—a low jumble of broken bricks, and an upsticking beam or two. Rawley whispered to Alf and began to crawl. The sack on his back seemed clamorously conspicuous and impeded his movement. He lowered it gently into a shell hole beside him and left it. Alf had stopped. Burdened as he was with the suit-case in front, the sack behind, and the blankets over his shoulder, crawling was impossible. Rawley pulled out his knife and went back. He cut the cord that held the suit-case and sack together. The old sacks might escape notice, but the suit-case would be startlingly visible: that would have to go. They crawled on, Rawley cursing the suit-case which Alf held awkwardly under one arm. They kept their eyes on the little group of horsemen not thirty yards distant, and at every impatient tapping of a hoof upon the road they dropped flat and lay still.
They reached the shelter of the mound of bricks at last and paused. They breathed more freely, but they did not feel safe. One or more of the horsemen might mount the slope and discover them crouching there. Rawley raised himself cautiously and examined the pile of debris in front of him. It consisted of a low bank of broken bricks, the remains evidently of an outer wall; beyond that, in what had been a room, was a hollow littered with plaster rubble; and beyond that again lay the fallen roof, a broken, blackened lattice-work of rafters, still covered in one place with broken slates. Under that their chances of escaping detection would be greatly improved.
They crawled with difficulty over the low barrier of bricks and crossed the filthy reeking hollow beyond. The fallen roof lay almost flat on the rubble, but they found a small space near the flattened peak of the gable and crawled under. There was room enough to lie comfortably under the slated portion, and the slates, though sufficiently damaged to allow them to see what was going on outside, were not so broken as to make their hiding-place dangerous. Furthermore they could now see the heads and shoulders of the horsemen on the sunken road. “If only we ’adn’t left our perishin’ sacks out there we might have ’ad a bite of somethin’ while waitin’ for the procession to pass,” complained Alf.
“You have got your suit-case,” retorted Rawley. “Have a bite at that.”
He watched the horsemen with some anxiety. The sword scabbards and rifle buckets proclaimed them to be cavalry troopers. Four of them had dismounted, and while one walked the four horses slowly up the road, the remaining three climbed the far bank and settled down in full view of the hiding-place. The remaining man put his horse at the near bank and rode up the slope, passing between the shattered building and the sacks but without giving a glance to either. He disappeared from view over the crest.
The scrape of a match caused Rawley to turn sharply. Alf, his knees up and his back against a hummock of masonry, was in the act of applying a lighted match to the cigarette that dangled from one corner of his mouth; but before the flame could burn the tobacco, a hand knocked both cigarette and match on to the rubble. “You blasted fool,” whispered Rawley. “Those fellows over there are facing this way and they would spot the smoke in a moment.”
Alf recovered the bent cigarette from between two bricks at his feet. “Awkward beggar!” he growled as he straightened it between his fingers. “They wouldn’t ’ave noticed nothin’. It ain’t as though they was looking for us.”
“I’m not so sure of that,” answered Rawley. “We can’t afford to play the fool, anyway.”
Alf relapsed into grumpy silence; Rawley kept watch. The only sounds that reached him were the murmur of voices from the men below, and the klop of hoofs on the road as the horses were walked slowly up and down. The light was gradually failing, and the mist that was so common over all the devastated area was shrouding distant objects one by one. Alf was dozing, and Rawley himself found the cold and silence were slowly wearing down his wakefulness.
He was aroused by the thud of hoofs behind him. Three horsemen rode out of the dusk and beside them plodded a man on foot. And as they rode slowly down the slope, passing within a few yards of his hiding-place, Rawley had confirmation of the suspicion that had troubled him for the past hour. In the slouching figure beside them he recognized one of the outcasts of the devastated area.
The men sitting on the bank rose at their approach, and the usual gruff interchange of chaff took place between them. The fast-gathering darkness made it difficult to see what was going on, and Rawley had to be guided by his ears. He heard the sound of rough English voices mingled with the jingle of bits. Then boots scraped on the road, and he heard the restless movement that a horse makes when a man climbs into the saddle. Feet pawed the road intermittently like instruments tuning up, and then, following a gruff “Walk March!” the whole orchestra of hoofs broke suddenly into sound. He watched the road where it was visible for fifty yards as a pale strip in the gloom and a few moments later saw the cavalcade pass as a dark slowly-moving shadow. It disappeared and the echo of the hoof beats died away.
“ ’Ave they gone?’ asked Alf in a hoarse whisper. “Well, I ain’t sorry. What wiv draughts in me ear’ole and ’arf bricks in the back of me neck I ain’t slep a wink. Roll on duration! What about movin’?”
“Presently,” said Rawley. “We will give them a few more minutes to get right away. We’ve got to go dashed carefully. Kelly did us a good turn when he blew in our shaft.”
“What’yer mean?”
“I mean that while we were digging our way out Kelly and his crowd were being rounded up. Didn’t you see that chap those three fellows brought in just before they went off? He was one of the mob that raided the village. I expect they have cleaned up Kelly and now they have got the cavalry out rounding up the stragglers. We’ve got to go mighty carefully. No more daylight trekking, that’s certain. One pipe and then we will start. Hold your coat open while I strike a match. We are taking no chances now.”
It was quite dark when they left their hiding-place. They recovered their sacks from the shell holes and set out. Rawley insisted that the rolled blankets should no longer be carried round the chest like a bandoleer. If they were hung loosely over one shoulder the whole of the impedimenta could then be dropped in a moment. He said it was absurd to take the suit-case, but Alf was adamant on this point. He declared that it balanced the sack on his back, and he had to carry it, so it was his funeral anyway.
They descended the slope and crossed the sunken road. There was no moon, but there were rifts in the clouds through which the stars shone, and Rawley set his course by the occasional glimpses he had of Altair and the Great Bear. It was a very unsatisfactory method, but no other was available.
They plodded on side by side at a steady pace and in silence. The exertion and the load they carried kept them warm in spite of the chill night air. They had eaten nothing since midday, but Rawley refused to stop. He said they could not afford the time that would be lost in stopping to open sacks and tins. When they had gone to earth in their new home it would be time enough to think of eating. They had brought two battered water-bottles with them and had quenched their thirst before leaving their hiding-place under the shattered roof.
Hour after hour went by, and the ceaseless plodding through the formless night produced in Rawley a kind of numbness of the brain. His limbs moved without his volition. It seemed that he was doomed to march to the end of time through a formless, endless and darkened world. He had no notion of his whereabouts. In that desert from which all landmarks had been obliterated the map was useless. He had set out from the dug-out on a course which, if accurately adhered to, would bring him straight to his destination, but he knew how difficult it was to march across country at night even with the aid of a compass. The rough-and-ready methods he was forced to use left all too much latitude in which to go astray. And in addition they had to make several detours to avoid hutments; and after these it was almost certain that they had not always got back even to the rough line they were following. The only course was to go ahead and trust that Alf would recognize some locality. One thing, however, Rawley had decided upon, and that was not to continue the march longer than two hours before dawn, unless Alf could say for certain that they were close to their destination. The best part of two hours might be required to find a suitable hiding-place, and they must be below ground before the darkness lifted.
They trudged on wearily like automatons, and the only variation in the movement was when some fracture of the ground caused them to lengthen or shorten their pace and the occasional hitch given to sack or blankets. Rawley estimated that barely three hours of darkness remained.
A huge truncated pyramid loomed up darkly to their left, its outlines ragged and undefined in the murk. Rawley broke the long silence. “What on earth’s that?” he whispered. They turned towards it by silent consent. The ground was much broken by ancient shell holes and shallow trench remains. The huge shape bulked broader and higher as they approached. It was mottled with pale grey streaks and patches, and quite suddenly they found themselves at its foot. It towered above them, a gigantic pimple of earth on a high plateau. Its surface was furrowed and pitted; rank grass grew upon it, but the underlying chalk showed in streaks and patches. “My God, it might be Silbury Hill!” muttered Rawley.
Alf made a sudden exclamation. “I know where we are, mate,” he cried excitedly. “This ’ere’s the old Butte de Warlincourt. Don’t I know it! Proper ’ealth resort it was in ’16—I don’t think.”
“I’ve heard of it,” answered Rawley in a low voice. “Don’t shout. But whereabouts is it?”
“Bapaume way.”
“Yes, but north, south, east or west?”
“It’s before you come to Bapaume.”
“What, west of it? Wait a minute—how does it lie with regard to that road, the Albert-Bapaume Road?”
“You can see it from the road easy.”
“But which side of it—north or south? Coming from Albert, say, is it right or left?”
“Right—an’ it ain’t more’an about fifteen kilos from Albert.”
“Good—we’re getting near. Now let me think.” Rawley did not think it prudent to strike a match so near a road, but he had studied the map so carefully that he carried a plan of its main features in his mind. The Albert-Bapaume road, he remembered, ran diagonally across the map—roughly S.W. and N.E. If they marched between those two points, N.W. that was, they must strike the road. Then they must follow the road in the direction of Albert and turn off it southwards at Poizières—that was if Alf could recognise a pile of bricks as that village. He turned his attention to the sky. Gaps in the clouds were rare and the clouds moved sluggishly. He had to wait several minutes before a glimpse of the Great Bear gave him the direction of the Pole Star. Then he faced it, turned half left and set off.
They came upon the road in a few minutes, one of those straight French roads that switchback uncompromisingly across the country as though drawn with a ruler; but they did not venture to follow it. They went back a few yards and moved parallel with the pale glimmer on their right.
“We haven’t much time,” whispered Rawley. “It will be dawn in something under three hours. It’s fifteen kilometres to Albert, you say; how far to Poizières, do you think?”
Alf thought for a moment. “Not more’an eight or nine, I reckon.”
“Well, it will take us the best part of an hour and a half to do that—and then this cellar of yours I made out to be about two kilometres south of that. And we have got to find it, too. By jove, we shall not have much time if we’re not to be caught by the dawn.”
“Don’t you worry, old cock,” answered Alf confidently. “There are thousands of perishin’ dug-outs round this ruddy place.”
They plodded steadily along. Once they dropped flat while a lorry rumbled along the road with rattling chains and flapping cover. That was the only sound that broke the silence.
Once to their right they saw the framework of a raised water-tank dark against the sky, and they went warily till it had disappeared in the gloom behind them. Then a few low mounds of brick rubble announced that they were passing over a village. Beyond it to their right the wedge-shaped nose of a tank pointing upwards showed dimly against the night sky. Rawley halted. “Is that a derelict or not?” he whispered.
“A derelick,” said Alf. “I remember him. This ’ere’s Poizières.”
They turned south. Crumbling trenches lay everywhere about them. To their left the ground sloped down to a shallow valley. “Keep just below the crest on this side and follow the slope,” said Rawley. Some minutes later some stark, ragged tree trunks stabbed the night sky ahead. “There’s your wood,” said Rawley. “Or I’m a Dutchman.”
Alf was dubious till they came upon a grass-grown rutted track fronting the stark trees; then he said, “You’re right, mate. That’s where we ’ad the guns—why, you can see some of the pits now. Come on, we’ll soon be ’ome.” And he led the way confidently in among the shattered tree stumps. Presently they were stumbling over the brick rubble remains of a building. “ ’Ere we are,” whispered Alf. “I’ll go an’ hinspect the billet.” He slipped off the sack, suit-case, roll of blankets, and rifle, and revolver in hand moved cautiously around the pile of rubbish.
He was back again in a few minutes. “It’s all right, mate. There ain’t nobody there. There’s a bit of water on the floor, but one of the old bunks is there and a bit of a table. We’ll be as snug as a bug in a rug in a couple of shakes.” He shouldered his load again, and Rawley followed him round the heap of rubble, through a tangle of brambles, and down a number of brick steps. Ten minutes later they were both asleep.