Super Turbo fell back, gasping! There was a big, round, yellow eye staring at him from under the door! He’d been spotted!
As quickly as he could, Super Turbo scrambled back up to his cage. He hid his cape and goggles just as Meredith swung open the door, carrying Franny and Zooey, each cat tucked under an arm. They looked sound asleep. But if they were asleep, then who had been peeking under the door at Turbo?
When Meredith’s mother finally yelled for Meredith to go to bed, Super Turbo was relieved. Hopefully, he could get some rest now too.
For the first time, Franny and Zooey moved by themselves. Zooey stretched out next to Meredith’s head and Franny curled up near her feet.
Turbo hadn’t expected that the cats would be sleeping in the room with them. Good thing my cage is up so high! he thought. And before he knew it, he was fast asleep.