Turbo woke up to a strange noise. For a second, he forgot where he was. Then he saw two round, glowing eyes staring at him in the darkness.
“AAAH!” he yelled.
“Interesssting cossstume you had on before,” a voice purred from the darkness. “What are you? A superhero?”
It must be one of the cats! thought Turbo. The one who saw me under the door! But which one?
“Who—who’s there?” asked Turbo, trying his best to sound brave.
“Oh, it’s jussssst me,” said the voice. “Franny.”
Turbo heard his cage creak and he could tell that Franny was sitting on it.
“So what are you? A superhero?” Franny repeated.
Now that his vision was getting used to the darkness, Turbo could see her looming above him.