What’s Old Is New
Plants and Pollinators: An Overview
Pollinators and Pesticides
1. Native Wildflowers
1. Anise Hyssop, Giant Hyssop
2. Aster
3. Beebalm
4. Black-Eyed Susan
5. Blanketflower
6. Blazing Star
7. Blue Curls
8. Blue Vervain
9. California Poppy
10. Clarkia
11. Coreopsis
12. Culver’s Root
13. Cup Plant, Compass Plant, Rosinweed
14. Figwort
15. Fireweed
16. Globe Gilia
17. Goldenrod
18. Gumweed
19. Ironweed
20. Joe-Pye Weed, Boneset
21. Lobelia
22. Lupine
23. Meadowfoam
24. Milkweed
25. Mountainmint
26. Native Thistle
27. Penstemon
28. Phacelia
29. Prairie Clover
30. Purple Coneflower
31. Rattlesnake Master, Eryngo
32. Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
33. Salvia
34. Selfheal
35. Sneezeweed
36. Spiderwort
37. Sunflower
38. Waterleaf
39. Wild Buckwheat
40. Wild Geranium
41. Wild Indigo
42. Wingstem
43. Wood Mint
2. Native Trees and Shrubs
44. Acacia
45. Basswood
46. Blackberry, Raspberry
47. Black Locust
48. Blueberry
49. Buckwheat Tree
50. Buttonbush
51. Chamise
52. Coyotebrush
53. False Indigo, Leadplant
54. Golden Currant
55. Inkberry
56. Madrone
57. Magnolia
58. Manzanita
59. Mesquite
60. Ocean Spray
61. Oregon Grape
62. Rabbitbrush
63. Redbud
64. Rhododendron
65. Rose
66. Saw Palmetto
67. Serviceberry
68. Sourwood
69. Steeplebush, Meadowsweet
70. Toyon
71. Tulip Tree
72. Tupelo
73. Wild Lilac
74. Willow
75. Yerba Santa
3. Introduced Trees and Shrubs
76. Orange
77. Plum, Cherry, Almond, Peach
4. Introduced Herbs and Ornamentals
78. Basil
79. Borage
80. Catnip
81. Coriander
82. Cosmos
83. Hyssop
84. Lavender
85. Mint
86. Oregano
87. Rosemary
88. Russian Sage
89. Thyme
5. Native and Nonnative Bee Pasture Plants
90. Alfalfa
91. Buckwheat
92. Clover
93. Cowpea
94. Mustard
95. Partridge Pea
96. Radish
97. Sainfoin
98. Scarlet Runner Bean
99. Sweetclover
100. Vetch
Average Number of Flower and Herb Seeds per Pound
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