
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

Absolute, theory of the, 102
    chaos, 173–77
    cultural reforms, 176
    Fraternitas Saturni (FS) and, 9
    Golden Age and, 11
    “the Other” and, 174, 175
    outline of, 172–77
    polygamy and, 176–77
    polytheism and, 173
    theology summary, 176
    as worship of the Devil, 9
Adonistic League, 12
Adonistische Gesellschaft, 10
Aeonic cosmology, 58–61
Age of Aquarius, 58, 60, 61
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
        Freemasonry, 93
Ariosophy movement, 21
Astral Procreation
    arrangement for, 109
    defined, 105
    illustrated, 105
    pendulum in, 107
    procedure, 105–7
astrology, sex magic and, 108–9
astrosophy, 55–58

Bardon, Frantisek (Franz), 12–13, 14,
Bavarian Illuminati, 8, 15
    FOGC and, 167
    founding of, 169–70
    as materialistic and rational, 171
    organization, 170–71
    overview of, 170
Berlin, 33
beyond-good-and-evil dualism, 64
Black Magic, 73, 86
Blätter für angewandte okkulte
t, 36, 41, 65–66, 68, 88
Brotherhood of Saturn. See Fraternitas
         Saturni (FS)

Cavandish, Richard, 2
Chain of Brotherhood, xiii, 49, 52
Chakim Hachkimim, 10
chela, 52, 76, 87, 88
Chrestos Principle, 57, 67
Christology, 63
compassionless love, 49, 73, 74, 148
constitution of the Fraternitas Saturni,
Crowley, Aleister
    as agent, 59
    “Baphomet,” 29
    book text reception, 58
    death, 24
    Gregorius and, 32, 34
    international leadership of O.T.O.,
    letter from Gregorius to (1926),
    letter from Gregorius to (1927),
    love and, 73–74
    new way of magical thinking, 59
    OHO acceptance and, 18
    Pansophical Lodge and, 18
    photo of, 127
    Reuss and, 16–17, 29
    statement of relations between
        Heinrich Tränker and, 141–46
    Thelema and, 28–29
    Tränker and, 31–32
    Weida Conference and, 31

daemonium, 14, 48, 54, 71, 95, 163–66
Daniel, 38, 102
“dark side,” 53
Degree of Mercury (8°), 80
Degree of the Sun (12°), 80–81
Demiurge, 47, 77
Demiurge Saturnus, 40, 47–48, 56,
        60, 77
Divinity, 99

Earth, 56, 57
Eckstein, Friedrich, 20
Elected Master of Wisdom (21°), 82
Elected Servant of Magic (14°), 81
Elected Servant of the Elements (15°), 81
Elected Servant of the Imagination
        (13°), 81
electrical magic, 101–3
elemental eucharists, 99–100
Engel, Leopold, 15
epopteia, 89
“Equinox of the Gods” concept, 69
eucharists, 99–100

Five-M Rite
    aim of, 105
    defined, 103
    four steps of, 104
FOGC (Freemasonic Order of the
    Golden Centurium), 13–15
Fraternitas Saturni (FS)
    Adonism and, 9
    aim of, 49–51
    constitution of, 147–48
    defined, xii, 1
    discords and harmonies, 37–39
    distant roots, 6–8
    doctrines, 40–75
    founding of, xii
    as GOTOS entity, 20
    history of, 6–39
    organization of, 76–86
    principles, 2
    rebirth, 8–13
    “secret” of, xiii, 5
    secret sex-magical practices of, 103–7
    transformations, 4
    view of itself, xiii
Frater/Sorella (4°), 79
Frater U∴D∴, xi–xiv, 72
Freemasonic Order of the Golden
        Centurium (FOGC), 13–15

    in 1920s, 22
    astrology in, 22
    Golden Dawn and, 9, 19
    magical revival in, 9
    Rosicrucians and, 19
Germer, Karl, 24, 143, 145–46
gnosis. See Saturnian Gnosis
Gnosticism, 42–43, 70
Gnostic Mass, 30
Gnostic sects, 58
Golden Age, 58, 175
Golden Dawn
    German roots, 9, 19
    occultism tradition, 2
    “secrets” of, 4–5
goodness, 45–46
GOTOS, xiii, 20, 48–49, 67, 70, 73
Grade of the Order of the Eastern
        Temple of Saturn (33°), 85
    0° (Neophyte Brother or Sister), 79
    1° (Student of the Will), 79
    2° (Student of the Word), 79
    3° (Student of Life), 79
    4° (Frater/Sorella), 79
    5° (Servant of the Law), 79
    6° (Servant of the Temple), 80
    7° (Servant of the Ritual), 80
    8° (Degree of Mercury), 80
    9° (Servant of the Pentacle), 80
    10° (Servant of the Tabernacle), 80
    11° (Servant of the Mystery), 80
    12° (Degree of the Sun), 80–81
    13° (Elected Servant of the
        Imagination), 81
    14° (Elected Servant of Magic), 81
    15° (Elected Servant of the
        Elements), 81
    16° (Priest of the Aeon), 81
    17° (Grand High Priest), 81–82
    18° (Magus of the Pentalpha), 82
    19° (Magus of the Seal of Solomon), 82
    20° (Magus of the Heptagram), 82
    21° (Elected Master of Wisdom), 82
    22° (Perfected Master of the Powers),
    23° (Perfected Master of the Spirit),
    24° (Prince of the Secret), 83
    25° (Master of Gnosis), 83
    26° (Master of Aquarius), 83
    27° (Grand Commander), 83–84
    28° (Grand Chancellor), 84
    29° (Grand or General Inspector), 84
    30° (Grand Master of the Sacred),
    31° (Master Templar), 85
    32° (Grand Prince of the
        Tabernacle), 85
    33° (Grade of the Order of the
        Eastern Temple of Saturn), 85
    priestly, 96
Gradus Pentalphae, 136–40
Grand Chancellor (28°), 84
Grand Commander (27°), 83–84
Grand High Priest (17°), 81–82
Grand Lodge of Fraternitas Saturni
        Berlin, 37
Grand Master of the Sacred (30°), 84–85
Grand Masters, 37–38
Grand or General Inspector (29°), 84
Grand Prince of the Tabernacle (32°), 85
Grau, Albin (Master Pacitius)
    death, 26–27
    defined, 24–25
    films, 25–26
    instructions appended to Liber I by,
    photo of, 25
    self-portrait, 24
    as technical draftsman, 26–27
Gregorius, Gregor A., xii, 2, 3, 6, 19, 89
    Crowley and, 32, 34
    as Grand Master, 37
    Inveha bookshop, 33, 89
    “Lectures of the Lodge School,” 34
    letter to Aleister Crowley (1926),
    letter to Aleister Crowley (1927),
    with lodge ritual tools, 94
    Luciferian mythology and, 62
    photo of, 37, 94
    publishing FS material, 33–34
Grosche, Eugen, 27–28
Guardian of the Threshold, 53

Hartmann, Franz, 15, 16, 20
Hemberger, Adolf, 2, 38, 96, 154
Hoëné-Wronski, Joseph Maria, 6–8,
Hohenleuben Conference. See Weida
hope, 45
Hörbiger, Hans, 54, 55

Illuminati. See Bavarian Illuminati
    first step in, 76
    gazing upon Guardian of the
        Threshold and, 53
    going against the natural grain and, 53
    lodge ritual, 94–95
    as main spiritual tool, 52
    ritual of the FOGC .: 99 :., 154–66
    Saturnian path of, 1, 51
    solitude and, 51–52
initiation ritual of the FOGC .: 99 :.,
        154–66. See also rituals
    consecration, 163
    first test, 159–63
    ritual sacrifice for the lodge
        daemonium, 163–66
    setting, 154
    three questions, 154
initiatory path, 76–78

Jananda, 38, 154
Jones, Charles Stansfield, 59

Kabbalah, 42, 53, 57, 63, 90
Kellner, Carl, 15–16, 20, 71
King, Francis, 100, 103, 108
Klein, Joshua, 15–16
Knigge, Adolph, 169, 170
knowledge, 45

Lanz von Liebenfels, Jörg, 21–22, 35,
Law of Thelema, 29, 41, 51
Lévi, Éliphas, 8
Liber I, instructions appended to,
Light from the Darkness!, 64
List, Guido von, 21, 35
    concept, 49–51
    FS as “secret,” 50
    inner, 51
    outer, 51
    published aims of, 147–48
    as ritualistic, 50
lodge rites, 100–101
lodge rituals
    ceremonial grips or signs, 93
    elemental eucharist, 100
    Gradus Pentalphae, 136–40
    initiation, 94–95
    keywords for twelve steps, 96
    lodge setup and, 90, 91
    magical ring, 91–93
    Ritual Missae for the Grand and
        Festival Lodge, 120–27
    Ritual Missae for the Master Lodge
        of Fraternitas Saturni, 128–35
    Ritual Missae Fraternitas Saturni,
    robes, 90–91
    structural features, 95
    tools, 94
    compassionless, 49, 73, 74, 148
    Crowley and, 73–74
    pitiless, 75
    Devil and, 98
    as embodiment of enlightenment, 62
    “Fall” from “Heaven,” 64–65
    as Light Bearer, 61, 62
    rebel spirit of, 63
    role in origin of humanity, 63
Luciferian Light, 67
Luciferian Mass, 97–98
Luciferian Principle
    aeonic philosophy and, 68
    defined, 61
    Earth and, 65
    fundamental idea underlying, 62
    in ritual aspects of FS, 67

    black, 73, 86
    electrical, 101–3
    rune, 21
    white, 73, 86
magical training
    epopteia and, 89
    exercises, 88
    first steps in, 52
    as main spiritual tool, 52
    phases, 78
    sources of, 87–88
Magus of the Heptagram (20°), 82
Magus of the Pentalpha (18°), 82
Magus of the Seal of Solomon (19°), 82
Master Arion, 13
Master Giovanni, 42
Master of Aquarius (26°), 83
Master of Gnosis (25°), 83
Master Templar (31°), 85
“mechanization” of the world, 61
Möller, Helmut, xv
Mozart, A., 72
    as end to itself, 96
    sexual, 22, 69–73

Nazi Germany, 35–36
Neophyte Brother or Sister (0°), 79
New Age of Aquarius, 54
Nietzschean thelemism, 73
numeric equivalencies, 89

obscurantism, xi, xii
occultism, xi, 8
Order of the New Templars (ONT), 22
Ordo Saturni, 39
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O)
    Crowley and, 28–29
    defined, 15
    earliest phase development, 16
    German branch of, 29–30
    Gnostic Mass, 30
    Hartmann and, 20
    under Reuss, 16
    sexual magic and mysticism, 70
out-of-body states, 103

Pansophical Lodge, 18, 23–24, 32, 41,
        93, 149, 151
patience-tolerance, 44
    in Astral Procreation, 107
    experimental and magical use of,
    illustrated, 108
    spiral design, 108
Pentalphic Rite, 103
Perfected Master of the Powers (22°),
Perfected Master of the Spirit (23°), 83
“Perfectibilists,” 169
pitiless love, 75
pleroma, 42
Priest of the Aeon (16°), 81
Prince of the Secret (24°), 83
Principle of the Absolute, 8
private rituals, 90
prognomètre, 101–2
pure thought, 44

Quintscher, Friedrich Wilhelm, 11, 12, 14

Reich, Wilhelm, 101
Reichenbach, Karl von, 107
Reuss, Theodor(e), 15–17, 20, 29
    as accumulator of power, 92
    design, 91–92
    photo of, 92
    types of, 93
    wearing, 92–93
Ritual Missae for the Grand and
        Festival Lodge, 120–27
    conclusion of the ritual, 124–27
    ritual, 120–24
    room decoration, 120
Ritual Missae for the Master Lodge of
        Fraternitas Saturni, 128–35
    communion, 133–35
    entrance, 130–31
    invocatio magica, 131–33
    lodge working, 131
    opening, 131
    sacral sphere preparation, 128–30
Ritual Missae Fraternitas Saturni,
    conclusion, 117–19
    lodge working, 117
    opening, 115–17
    preparation, 113–14
    Gradus Pentalphae, 136–40
    initiation ritual of the FOGC .: 99 :.,
    lodge, 90–93
    private, 90
    Ritual Missae for the Grand and
        Festival Lodge, 120–27
    Ritual Missae for the Master Lodge
        of Fraternitas Saturni, 128–35
    Ritual Missae Fraternitas Saturni,
    this book, 100
Roxane, 38
robes, 90–91
Rosicrucians, 4, 8, 19
    aim of, 169
    defined, 167
    documents, 168–69
    organization and, 170
    as spiritual and mystical, 171
rune magic, 21

    dispensation and use of, 97
    list of, 96–97
    Luciferian Mass, 97–98
    ritual steps, 100
    Seven Sacraments of the Servants, 97
Sättler, Franz (Musallam), 9–11, 174
    complex structure of, 65
    defined, xiii
    as Guardian of the Threshold, 148
    negative causal principle of, 57
    way of, 51
Saturn archetype, 41, 46–49
    characteristics, 46–47
    “dark side,” 53
Saturn figure, 66
Saturnian Brotherhood, 6
Saturnian Gnosis, 27, 42
    astral, 54
    characteristics of, 40
    defined, 42
    goal of practitioner of, 64
    goodness and, 45–46
    hope and, 45
    knowledge and, 45
    Luciferian aspect of, 66
    nine pathways to, 43–46
    patience-tolerance and, 44
    as personal knowledge and insight, 43
    pure thought and, 44
    sexes in, 71
    silence and, 44–45
    symbolism and, 46
    true god of, 64
    trust and, 45
    violation and action and, 45
Saturnian sphere, 1, 51
Saturno-Uranian complex, 47, 61
Saturnus, 47
“Saturn Yoga,” 77
Secret Chiefs, 19–20
Serpent of Eden, 63
Servant of the Law (5°), 79
Servant of the Mystery (11°), 80
Servant of the Pentacle (9°), 80
Servant of the Ritual (7°), 80
Servant of the Tabernacle (10°), 80
Servant of the Temple (6°), 80
Seven Dwellings, 47
Seven Sacraments of the Servants, 97
sexual cosmology, 70
sexual magic
    Astral Procreation, 105–7, 109
    astrology and, 108–9
    Five-M Rite, 103–5
sexual mysticism
    background, 69
    matrix of, 71
    Yoga of the Dark Light, 69–73
silence, 44–45
solitude, 51–52
Spiesberger, Karl, 36–37, 78, 107–8
Steiner, Rudolf, 21, 40
Student of Life (3°), 79
Student of the Will (1°), 79
Student of the Word (2°), 79
symbolism, 46

Tarot, 42
Tepaphone, 102
Tesla, Nikola, 101
Teutonic Knights, 167
Thelema, 28–29, 42
Theosophical Society, 20
Theosophy, 20
three points (∴), 50
Tränker, Heinrich
    background, 18–19
    Crowley and, 31–32
    German branch of O.T.O. and,
    Germer and, 143–44, 145–46
    hospitality of, 144
    Pansophical Lodge and, 23–24,
    photo of, 18
    statement of relations between
        Aleister Crowley and, 141–46
    Weida Conference and, 31–32
trust, 45

Uranus, 67

violation and action, 45

“War in Heaven,” 55, 56
Weida Conference, 31, 32, 34, 144–45
Weimar culture, 22, 23
Weishaupt, Adam, 169, 170
Weschcke, Carl Llewellyn, xv
Westcott, W. W., 19
White Magic, 73, 86
Winkelmaurerei, 9
Wolfenstein, Christopher, 154
women, 71, 72

Yarker, John, 15
yin-yang, 64
Yoga of the Dark Light, 4, 73