Gradus Pentalphae
The room is fitted out in red, the altar is black with a white antependium, upon which there is an inverse red pentagram. On the altar stands a five-armed candlestick with red candles, and the corner lamps also have red candles. The Master of the Chair, Priest, Priestess, and Master of Ceremonies wear red masks. In front of the altar, between the altar and the tapis, a fire burns in a tripod.
“In diesen heil’gen Hallen” by Mozart is played. Then the gong sounds five times.
M.Ch.: “Yallah! Greetings, my Brothers and Sisters. Are you ready to celebrate the ritual of the fivefold Alpha with a pure heart and without deceit in your hearts?”
All: “We are!”
M.Ch.: “Brother First Warden, what is your duty?”
F.W.: “To determine if we are all Masters of the 18°. Whether we all bear the sign and know the grip!”
M.Ch.: “So, execute your office!”
The F.W. leaves his place and goes over to each individual to have the password whispered in his ear. Then he goes back to his place and says: “To me!” All make the sign of the Master and the sign of the Magus Pentalphae.
F.W.: “Honorable Master, those present have on two counts shown themselves to be in possession of the 18°. None in the room is profane.”
(Gong five times; silver bell five times.)
S.W.: “Very well, my Brothers and Sisters!”
M.Ch.: “Rise up, my Brothers and Sisters, and speak the oath!” (Lift up the right fist with an outstretched thumb.)
All: “We swear and vow to live and act according to the holy laws of the fivefold Alpha. We will guard and preserve the secrets and not make them available to any profane persons. Not even to our Brothers and Sisters who have not attained the 18°. Death and ruination to the traitors! A curse upon their egos! Blessed be the true chalice of light, whose power may preserve us from temptation! Aum!” (All seat themselves in their appointed places.)
The M.Ch. steps before the altar: “In nomine Sator, Rahator, Etan! In nomine Baphomet—Hel-yac-yin! Yallah! I invoke and conjure you, ye powers of the element of Fire! Stream into my hands, my heart and my head! And give me the power to awaken the ancient serpent!” (He makes a sign with his hand to the chair of the Priestess. She rises and with measured steps comes before the M.Ch.)
The M.Ch. traces the pentagram above her head and says:
“The power of the serpent, of the old dragon, awakens in Thee, Daughter of Lilith. She rises up out of the darkness of Thy womb and streams into all of us with all the power and force of the Uridaphne!”
The Priestess kneels down and hands the M.Ch. a dagger. He lifts it up, kisses its blade, and lays it on the altar. Then he goes over to the flaming tripod and throws a handful of incense and chemicals into the fire so that it flames up with a blood-red color. He then steps before the kneeling Priestess and lays both hands on her head, and says: “Rise up, Thou azure-lidded Daughter of the Twilight! Dost Thou know me?”
Ps.: “I know Thee!”
M.Ch.: “Sister of the fivefold flaming star, dost Thou feel me?”
Ps.: “Brother, I feel Thee!”
All: “Om, Om, Rahalon!”
M.Ch.: “Sister, give me the sign of recognition!”
Ps.: (Rips the hood from her head; the mask remains, however.) “Placet Magister!” (It seems good, Master!)
M.Ch.: “I still do not recognize Thee!” (He removes his own hood.)
Ps.: “Yallah!” (She opens the upper buttons of her robe without loosening the belt and bares her breasts.)
M.Ch.: “I still do not recognize Thee!” (He bares himself to the waist.) The M.Ch., Ps., as well as all others present at the Mass of the 18° are, of course, naked under their robes.
With an ecstatic gesture the Ps. loosens her belt and throws off her robe. She positions herself with widely spread legs, with her body slightly bent forward, hands lifted up with outstretched thumbs (ecstatically): “Yallah! Son of Osiris! Dost Thou recognize me now?”
The M.Ch. (likewise ecstatically) throws off his robe so that only the mask and the silver pentagram on his chest remain: “Kuf-ankh-hor!”
Ps.: “Kuf-ankh-Herpokrat!” (She takes her arms down in a sudden movement and grasps the penis of the officiating Pr.) If it is big and strong, the Ps. lays down on the altar, spreads her legs wide, and receives the penis of the Master in her vagina.
At this moment all the brothers and sisters rise up and form a chain around the altar while rhythmically singing: “Yiyallah! Yiyallah!”
The M.C. steps into the circle and grasps the knife. Then he positions himself at the head of the copulating pair. He has a living black rooster (or hen), holds the fluttering animal over the copulating Pr. and cuts the animal’s head off with a single stroke. The blood must pour over the copulating Pr.*18
All (more and more ecstatically and loudly, at an increasing tempo): “Y-yallah!”
Just before ejaculation the officiant removes his penis from the vagina. The Ps. grips him and with her hands puts some blood [or other fluid] on his penis. Then she puts her left hand on the root (base) chakra of the man, with her right hand she grasps his penis and by means of vigorous strokes brings him to orgasm. Just before orgasm, and accompanied by an ecstatic cry, she thrusts a finger deep into his anus.*19 The Pr., for his part, brings the Ps. to orgasm by manipulating the clitoris at approximately the same time as she brings him to orgasm.
With an ecstatic cry by all present the ceremony ends. The M.C. opens the fraternal chain. He takes a clean white cloth of silk and spreads it out over the Ps., imagining the magical sigils corresponding to the Pentalphic grade:
These symbols can also be traced with the dagger in the direction of the east if the necessary powers of imagination are lacking. Then he hangs a red robe around the M.Ch. The M.C. then goes back behind the altar and the brothers and sisters take their seats in silence. The M.C. takes up the censer and censes the chamber in all four cardinal directions. Thereupon follows the invocation of the egregore of the lodge, “GOTOS,” by the M.Ch.:
“Euraseh zed echna Emzke ho! Hareb Kaloo emtah kreas kaa elam! Noab tazwah mehischeh ula ulme elegob maha!
Erechthon kale almaia jaschbarak Hed-gog-Mehen-gog Maguth ebze Carago hed abernach, obeah, durach, elego kale almaino edach. Amno wimero Amom!
Makalo hem! Gotoas! Makabo! Hetan hem! Gotoy! Hur-Ro-Nahe-Gotoy! Gotoy! Gotoy. Ave ebze Karon.”
Then the M.Ch. says: “Rise up, my Brothers and Sisters, and repeat after me: We vow and swear to keep silent! Our Brothers and Sisters are witnesses!
Receive now the blessings! May the One and Eternal bless you! He shall increase your powers! He shall deepen your wisdom! And inflame your love! For, love is the law! Love under will! Go in peace, my Brothers and Sisters, and seal your mouths and guard your tongues.”
All: “Death to the traitor! Aum!”
Everyone, except the Ps. and the M.Ch., leaves the room.