Praise for The Haunted House Diaries

“Best-selling author William J. Hall thrills and chills us again with a tale of a house that is incredibly haunted with his latest book, The Haunted House Diaries. It is a must read for those captivated by haunted spaces and places. Bring your flashlight and your courage…you’ll need them both!”

—Jim Harold, president, Jim Harold Media LLC; host, Paranormal Podcast, Jim Harold’s Campfire, The Paranormal Report, and TV You Grew Up With; author, Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories series

“This book is a refreshing advancement in the field of paranormal study! The diary is fascinating with its diverse incidents…. The approach the author has taken to this broad case dispels many old school myths and finally provides some real insight into the paranormal.”

—Steve Hudgeons, host of The Texas UFO Radio Show

The Haunted House Diaries is, bar none, one of the most terrifying stories I have come across. A simple word of caution before venturing forth and settling in to read this book: double check that the doors and windows are locked firmly, you have your phone close at hand, AND have a flashlight nearby…just in case your lights suddenly snap off for NO reason. Expect no mercy from the contents of this book!”

—Brent Holland, host of Night Fright Show, the number-one show of its genre

“William J. Hall has focused his unique investigative skills on a 50-year experience documented by an actual witness. This powerful first-person story is a riveting read supported by an array of photographs for the reader to review and judge on their own. The stories captured in this exciting book display an array of paranormal activity that intrigue the reader to continue—this is not your typical ghost story or investigation. This is a wide range of paranormal stories that span five generations and continue today! I could not put this down and had to read on to see what was next!”

—Al Warren, host/producer of “The House of Mystery” radio show and host of “WarrenXchange Paranormal Radio Show” on the Z Talk Radio Network Seattle, and host/producer of “Dark Shadows Radio” on BlogTalk Radio Canada

“Author Bill Hall takes you to a small Connecticut town for an intimate look into the world of the paranormal through the mind of one person’s personal journal entries. There are years as well as pages of notes, skilled documented investigations, and numerous eye witness accounts. One thing is for sure…after reading the book, you’ll never get me within a mile of this house and you can take that to the Vegas bookies!”

—Tina Marie Caouette, host of “Restricted Airspace,” Las Vegas

“This is a fascinating book about a paranormal flap that produces all kinds of unexplained activity. This book is a must have for any serious paranormal researcher and a fascinating read for anyone interested in this subject. William J. Hall gets two thumbs up as Siskel and Ebert used to say!”

—Royce “the Redneck Radioman” Holleman, Talknow Radio