I AM MOST GRATEFUL to Luciana Ricciutelli, my editor at Inanna Publications and Education Inc. This short fiction collection could not have been published without her interest in my writing, her editing skills, and her insightful comments.
I also wish to thank the Toronto Arts Council for its grant assistance to my writing.
My thanks also go to my critique pals: Marlene Ritchie, Manda Djinn, Penni Stuart, and Cora J. Morace, who read all the stories in their earlier versions and provided me with their honest and useful feedback. Thank you as well to Kenneth A. MacKinnon and Li Zeng who also read some of these stories in the very early stages and encouraged me to continue writing.
Last, but certainly not least, I am grateful to my husband, Jean-Marc, and to my son, Shu, for their patience and unfailing support of my work.