Chapter Seven

I did understand.

He wanted me to listen to him. But it was more than that, and we both knew it. A man like Trent Thomas needed control. It was obvious.

And it was all I could think about from the moment he’d said it earlier that morning.

Yes. I’d listen to him.

I couldn’t help but acknowledge how it had felt to let go of control earlier when he had his finger inside me, his mouth on mine, making me come harder than I’d come in years. I never would have done that in any other circumstance, but somehow…when I did, it freed me.

It was no longer my decision. It wasn’t my responsibility whether it was wrong or right to screw in my office. It was just…it just was.

I’d never, not one time in my entire life, given up control of…well…anything. To anyone.

But if not now, when?

And really, I’d already decided to go along with the girls’ silly plan of go with it. So why not.

I watched his face as his lips quirked up into a grin. “I have to say,” he rolled his whiskey glass between his hands, “I’m surprised.”

That was a shock for me. “You are?”

He nodded. “Pleasantly so. Don’t get me wrong,” he added quickly. “But I really didn’t think you’d agree so readily.”

I took a deep breath and tilted my head just a little so my hair slipped down my back. “Honestly?”

He nodded.

“Why not?” It was the simplest statement, but it was the only way to describe what I felt. “I mean,” I continued, “I’d already thrown it all out the window, asking you to do this for me, and…well, I figure I have nothing to lose.”

His face contorted into a ridiculously handsome smile as he tried not to laugh. “I can’t disagree with that,” he said. “After all, I’d say this is a win-win for both of us. I’ll be honest, Brittany. Your offer this morning took me off guard.”

I wasn’t blind. I knew it had.

“But it wasn’t unwelcome,” he continued. “And I think you know that.”

Fire shot through me and directly to my core, where it burned bright and hot.

“You saw the way I looked at you,” Trent said.

His eyes held me the way they always did and dammit if he wasn’t right. There was a reason I’d made my proposal to him. I’d built my career on my gut instincts, and it looked like I was right again.

“I have to say, I’m glad you accepted then.” I tore my gaze away from his. “But we’ll need some ground rules. As I said, this isn’t anything, and I don’t want either of us to think for a moment it is.”

He nodded.

“Sex,” I continued. “That’s it. No longer than a month.” Long enough to satisfy the whole pact thing with my friends, but not too long. “Or sooner if either of us decides.” I couldn’t imagine that, but still. “No strings.”

“Deal.” He nodded without hesitation. “Is that it?”

I racked my brain for any other rules, but couldn’t think of any. I nodded. “That’s it.”

“And you agree to mine?”

I sighed, already regretting it. “I already did.”


I watched as Trent drained the contents of his glass, tossed a stack of bills on the table that was at least three times what the bill should be, and stood.

He held out his hand. “Time to go.”

Oh, it was time to go all right.

Literally, the only thing I’d thought about since walking out of her office that morning had been finishing what we started. I didn’t really have a plan when I left the bar, only that I needed to get her alone. And quickly.

The moment she’d slid her hand in mine, so willing to trust me, again, I became a ticking time bomb. This woman drove me crazy in ways that I didn’t completely understand. She was such a contrast. It was hard to keep up.

But I was up for the challenge.

With her hand still in mine, I led Brittany around the building. Fucking in an alley wasn’t exactly the way I wanted the first time with Brittany to go down, but I was quickly getting to a point where I needed it to go down one way or the other.

“Where are we going?”

I took another look at the alley and turned to face her. With a tug of her hand, I pulled her close against my chest so I could kiss her. She melted into my kiss as I tugged her even closer. My cock throbbed with need in my pants, and I knew she could feel me through our thin clothes.

“You’re making me crazy, woman.”

Her lips twitched up in a sly grin. “Is that right?”

“You know it is.” I threaded my fingers through her hair and held her head while I kissed her again. Hard. My free hand slipped down and under her skirt, where my fingers splayed over her ass.

“Fuck.” The word was a growl. “Do you live close by?”

Something flashed on her face but in the dim light, I couldn’t be sure.

“Not my place.”

The hotel I was staying in was only a few blocks away. Too far.

I wrenched myself away from her mouth and pulled her deeper into the dark between the two buildings.

She hesitated. “Here?”

“Is that a problem?” I waited and watched as all kinds of things traveled over her face as she battled with herself. Between what she thought was right and what she wanted, I had no doubt it was quite an internal battle. “Didn’t you say something about up against the wall sex?”

That was all it took. Her pupils dilated and her face transformed with need.

“I guess I did,” she said with the slightest glimpse of a smile on her sexy lips.

Maybe I should have taken her deeper into the shadows between the two buildings. But the hard-on between my legs was making it hard to think—and walk. Besides, I liked the light coming from the street. I wanted to see her face when I made her come.

“Your wish is my command.”

She let out a puff of air as I backed her up against the wall.

“Is that right?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “And here I thought you wanted me to listen to you.” She ran her hands down my chest, leaving a trail of flames as she got closer to my belt.

My body shuddered from her attentions, but it was a dangerous precedent to set so early on in our arrangement. There was more than one reason I wanted control in this deal. Yes, watching her come apart on my terms would be the biggest fucking turn-on I could dream of, but there was more to it. I knew better than to let a woman like Brittany call the shots when it came to something like this. Sex. That’s all it was and would ever be. Which was why everything would be on my terms.

On a sharp inhale, I grabbed her hands in mine, yanked them up over her head, and pinned both wrists in one hand. “Make no mistake.” I looked into her eyes. “You will be listening to me.”

With her hands still in my grip, I slid the other hand down her side, taking my time to feel every sexy, perfect curve as I went. “I like the skirt,” I said as my fingers danced under the short hem. “I didn’t peg you for a short skirt type of woman.”

“There are exceptions to every rule.”

Her breath came fast. She was turned on when I took control of the situation.

“And I thought maybe this…”

Her words trailed away as I traced a finger between her legs.

Fuck. She was already wet for me.

From the moment I’d met Brittany, I’d known there was something special about her. Something that drew me to her like a moth to a friggin’ flame, but I never could have expected this from her. This full-on desire and immediate, uncensored response. It was perfect. So. Fucking. Perfect.

Her panties were in the way. I needed access to her. Now. With a sharp tug, I tore the lace.

Brittany gasped.

“Better.” I groaned and pressed on her clit, giving it just enough pressure to make her gasp. “I love how fucking turned on you are for me.”

“You think it’s for you?”

So. Much. Sass.

I kissed her until she was gasping for breath, and my fingers, still between her legs, were dripping with her juices. “Oh,” I pulled away, “I know it’s for me.”

She couldn’t argue with that, and I was pretty sure she didn’t want to.

“I’m going to let go of your hands now.” I waited until she nodded. “I want you to undo my pants.” I murmured my command in her ear.


“Fuck yes.”

I knew the element of risk, of getting caught in the office, pushed her right to the edge of her comfort zone, but this was a different kind of risk. One that made my cock painfully hard. And judging by her breath and the way she was trembling all around me, she was just as turned on.

Her breath came faster now. I pressed my finger inside her, just a little, but it was enough.

“Oh fuck.”

“That’s right, baby. If you liked our little appetizer this morning in your office, it’s time for the main course.” I released her hands. “Now.”

She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, as if she needed to talk herself into what she was about to do. But when she opened them, there was no hesitation. Her long, slender fingers moved to my belt, pulling it free easily before sliding the zipper of my slacks down and releasing my throbbing dick from its confines. Her hand wrapped around my length and squeezed before starting a gentle stroke with no prompting from me.

Brittany knew exactly what she was doing because she was a woman. An incredibly sexy woman. Completely unlike the young women I usually dated who needed all of the instruction. Sure, I liked to be in charge; that wasn’t a secret. But there was a very distinct difference between a girl who needed the direction I provided and a woman who gave me that power.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d ever been even remotely as turned on as I was with her.

I pulled my finger from her long enough to get a condom from my back pocket. It only took me seconds to sheath myself. “Once we do this,” I said, “we’re committed.”


I nodded. “You said no longer than a month, right?”

She narrowed her eyes. “You agreed.”

“And I still do. But if we do this, I need an extension clause.”

Surprise lined her face. “You want an extension clause?”

“Yes. If we both agree, we continue.” I hadn’t planned to put this condition on what we were doing, but without even being inside her, I knew I’d need more. A lot more. I couldn’t risk her changing her mind before I was done with her. She was a woman of her word. I knew if she agreed, there would be no going back.

“Could I ask you why?”

“You could. But the longer we discuss it, the…” I glanced around, reminding both of us of exactly where we were and what we were about to be doing. I gripped her hips and lifted her, making her gasp. Her back was still pressed against the rough brick, but now her feet were off the ground, my cock poised and ready to enter her.

I could see the confusion on her face, but then, she shrugged a little and nodded. “Okay.”

The word was hardly out of her mouth before I lowered her onto my hard cock.

She cried out as I filled her completely. I stilled inside her, waiting for her to adjust to my size.

“Holy shit, Trent.” Brittany’s hands gripped my shoulders. “Fuck me.”

I probably should have chastised her for trying to call the shots, but I let her have that one because there was nothing I wanted and needed more than to do just that.

I thrust up into her. Hard.

She groaned and her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me tighter toward her. Her heels dug into my ass, and I thrust again, harder this time. She cried out and some part of me was cognizant that we could very easily be overheard or discovered. I didn’t care.

The only thing I cared about was being deep inside this woman. She took every one of my thrusts, urging me on with a squeeze, a cry. Her fingers dug into my shoulders when I increased my pace. As much as I would have liked to take my time and enjoy every second with her, there would be time for that later.

The memory of her agreement fueled me, and I fucked her harder.

“Oh, my God, Trent.”

I knew it even before she said it; her body tightened around me, and Brittany moaned, “I’m going to come.”

“Baby. That’s the fucking idea.” Relentless, I kept up my pace, until I, too, was vibrating with imminent release. “Come with me, baby. Come hard, Britt.”

I kept my eyes open wide while she did just that. Her orgasm crested, hard. She cried out and as much as the sound made me crazy, I swallowed it with a kiss while I, too, took my climax.

“Fuck, Brittany,” I said the moment I could form a coherent thought. “That was quite possibly the most intense orgasm I’ve had in a very long time.” It was a massive understatement. There was no way I’d ever come that hard. Ever.

Reluctantly, I set her back on the ground and smoothed her skirt down for her before tucking myself into my pants. When I was finished buckling my belt, she still hadn’t spoken. When I turned to look, Brittany’s head was leaning back against the wall, her eyes shut and her hands pressed flat against the brick.

Concerned, I moved in front of her and cupped her cheek. “Britt?” My thumb made small circles on her soft skin. “Are you…are you okay?”

Had I been too rough? Shit. That was the last thing I wanted. I should have kept my control and—

“I’m fine.” She opened her eyes. The light blue sparkled despite the low light. “More than fine,” she said. “Dammit, Trent. If I knew you could fuck like that, we would have made this deal ages ago.”