Over the years, many people that love art and aspire to become an illustrator have asked me, how does one get a job as an illustrator or become a freelance illustrator? Every illustrator has a different story to tell; there is not a set of rules or a single path to becoming an illustrator. It is like asking, how do I become a movie star, or a rock and roll star? There is no simple answer.
You have to be good at your craft, you have to love it and be willing to make sacrifices in your life to get there. You, as a creative person, must play by the same rules as everyone else that becomes successful in their chosen field. You must be extremely good at what you do, work hard, long hours, sacrifice, set goals, and have a pretty good grasp of running a business and being responsible for the financial side of it all.
I used to say, “When opportunity knocks, be prepared to go for it.” But now the world is different. As an illustrator you are not only competing with everyone who to wants become an illustrator in the United States … now you are competing with the world. Therefore, you can’t wait for opportunity to come to you. You have to seek out every opportunity you can think of and be well prepared with a good portfolio.
There are many jobs in the world that only require you to show up, obey the rules, do your job, and draw a paycheck … and, perhaps, eventually retire. But most all of the really successful people that pursue a career in any of the “arts,” writing, music, sculpting, acting, art, design—and the list goes on—are really good, if not great, at their craft. Most are basically obsessed with it. My art is not a job, not a hobby, nor is it something I do until I can retire. My art is an obsession, it is my life … as far back as I can remember. I will never retire and I live to produce more art. If you are obsessed with it, then you have a much better chance of success.
There are a few lucky people in the world that win the lottery! There are creative people pursuing their careers that also “win the lottery,” such as an actor that gets his first break in a movie and wins an Oscar the following year. But this is not the norm. Do not plan on winning the lottery. It takes persistence, top-quality work, delivering on time, setting higher quality standards for yourself, and “knocking on doors.” The publishers or the corporate world are not going to come to you. You have to go to them, keep sending out portfolios and making new contacts. Target the companies that publish art that is similar to your “style” or you know you can compete with. This may lead to your first big break. I am not saying that having a career in the arts is too hard and perhaps you should give up, never, but it is not easy, for sure.
There is one fact that I think of when I am down and it always gives me, and should give all creative people, extra confidence and hope. It is simply this: thank God that the world is diverse in its taste of all things creative. For example, if everyone in the world had the same taste in music, there would only be one type of music in the world. If everyone had the same taste in clothing, art, design, writing, acting, then there would only be one style or one creative person in every field that did it all. The creative tastes of the world are greatly diverse and there is always room for new creative people, producing new, high-quality creative works. As L. Ron Hubbard once wrote, “Works of art are viewed by people. They are heard by people. They are felt by people. They are not just the fodder of a close-knit group of initiates. They are the soul food of all people.”
If becoming successful in the “arts” was easy, then most of the population would be doing it! And that’s impossible, since nothing else would ever get done!
Don’t let yourself become vain and think that you are great, or better than most everyone else. Constantly try to improve your skills. If you are true to your art, then your job is to be as great as you can possibly be in “your own art.”
Absorb other artists’ work. See where they are better than you, study their techniques and learn from them. You must also learn to see your own faults and weaknesses and do not make excuses for them, but learn from self-criticism. When others criticize your work, don’t automatically think someone is being mean and putting you down or is jealous of your works. You will know in your heart when someone is actually trying to help you with honest criticism and also when someone is just being mean. Do not let random comments of “normal” people get you down, either. Remember, “normal” people, or consumers of your art, are usually making their criticisms about your subject matter and not your technique. They tend to look at each piece, one at a time, and decide if they like it on subject matter alone. Your subject matter changes, but it is how you execute your work, your knowledge, skills and techniques, these are the building blocks of your art. You must develop a hard shell, and if you get negative feedback, then take it and build from it. Develop an “honest” eye when looking at your own work.
Consider yourself lucky or blessed that you are a creative person, and if you are reading this, then you are probably pursuing a career as an illustrator or writer. I may have enjoyed pursuing a career in astrophysics, or even driving a race car, but “art chose me”! I am in my sixties, getting older, and I love painting and drawing as much now, if not more, than when I was eighteen. I knew that art was my path, I have worked hard, through good times and bad. I continue to learn and grow as an artist; trying to improve is a lifelong challenge. I have given it my all and I have enjoyed my life. I would do it all over again.