Nov. 23, 1974-May 2, 1975 Scorpio
May 3, 1975-Sep. 5, 1975 Libra
Sep. 6, 1975-Feb. 18, 1981 Scorpio
Feb. 19, 1982-Mar. 21, 1981 Sagittarius
Mar. 22, 1981-Nov. 16, 1981 Scorpio
Nov. 17, 1981-Dec. 2, 1988 Sagittarius
Dec. 3, 1989-Apr. 1, 1995 Capricorn
Apr. 2, 1995-Jun. 9, 1995 Aquarius
Jun. 10, 1995-Jan. 12, 1996 Capricorn
Jan. 13, 1996-Jan. 1, 2000 Aquarius
How to Find the Planet Neptune at the Time of Your Birth
Find the range of dates (month, day, and year) that includes your birth date. The sign indicated to the right is your Neptune Sign.
Jan. 1, 1890-Jul. 19, 1901 Gemini
Jul. 20, 1901-Dec. 25, 1901 Cancer
Dec. 26, 1901-May 19, 1902 Gemini
May 20, 1902-Sep. 22, 1914 Cancer
Sep. 23, 1914-Dec. 14, 1914 Leo
Dec. 15, 1914-Jul. 18, 1915 Cancer
Jul. 19, 1915-Mar. 19, 1916 Leo
Mar. 20, 1916-May 1, 1916 Cancer
May 2, 1916-Sep. 20, 1928 Leo
Sep. 21, 1928-Feb. 19, 1929 Virgo
Feb. 20, 1929-Jul. 23, 1929 Leo
Jul. 24, 1929-Oct. 3, 1942 Virgo
Oct. 4, 1942-Apr. 16, 1943 Libra
Apr. 17, 1943-Aug. 2, 1943 Virgo
Aug. 3, 1943-Dec. 24, 1955 Libra
Dec. 25, 1955-Mar. 12, 1956 Scorpio
Mar. 13, 1956-Oct. 19, 1956 Libra
406 linda Goodman's relationship signs
Oct. 20, 1956-Jun. 14, 1957 Scorpio
Jun. 15, 1957-Aug. 5, 1957 Libra
Aug. 6, 1957-Jan. 4, 1970 Scorpio
Jan. 5, 1970-May 3, 1970 Sagittarius
May 4, 1970-Nov. 5, 1970 Scorpio
Nov. 6, 1970-Jan. 19, 1984 Sagittarius
Jan. 20, 1984-Jun. 22, 1984 Capricorn
Jun. 23, 1984-Nov. 21, 1984 Sagittarius
Nov. 22, 1984-Jan. 28, 1998 Capricorn
Jan. 29, 1998-Aug. 22, 1998 Aquarius
Aug. 23, 1998-Nov. 27, 1999 Capricorn
Nov. 28, 1999-Dec. 31, 1999 Aquarius
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How to Find the Planet Pluto at the Time of Your Birth
Find the range of dates (month, day, and year) that includes your birth date. The sign to the right of this range is your Pluto Sign.
Jan. 1, 1900-Aug. 23, 1912 Gemini
Aug. 24, 1912-Sep. 23, 1912 Cancer
Sep. 24, 1912-Jun. 20, 1913 Gemini
Jun. 21, 1913-Dec. 31, 1913 Cancer
Jan. 1, 1914-Jun. 15, 1914 Gemini
Jun. 16, 1914-Nov. 1, 1937 Cancer
Nov. 2, 1937-Nov. 30, 1937 Leo
Dec. 1, 1937-Aug. 31, 1938 Cancer
Sep. 1, 1938-Dec. 31, 1938 Leo
Jan. 1, 1939-Mar. 6, 1939 Cancer
Mar. 7, 1939-Oct. 1, 1956 Leo
Oct. 2, 1956-Jan. 31, 1957 Virgo
Feb. 1, 1957-Sep. 1, 1957 Leo
Sep. 2, 1957-Oct. 5, 1971 Virgo
Oct. 6, 1971-Apr. 18, 1972 Libra
Apr. 19, 1972-Jul. 30, 1972 Virgo
Jul. 31, 1972-Nov. 4, 1983 Libra
408 linda Goodman's relationship signs
Nov. 5, 1983-May 18, 1984 Scorpio
May 19, 1984-Jun. 1, 1984 Libra
Jun. 2, 1984-Jul. 8, 1984 Scorpio
Jul. 9, 1984-Jul. 31, 1984 Libra
Aug. 1, 1984-Jan. 15, 1995 Scorpio
Jan. 16, 1995-Apr. 21, 1995 Sagittarius
Apr. 22, 1995-Nov. 9, 1995 Scorpio
Nov. 10, 1995-Dec. 31, 2000 Sagittarius
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M#y your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements
a marriage should bring,
and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding.
May you always need one another —
not so much to fill your emptiness as to help you to know your
A mountain needs a valley to be complete;
the valley does not make the mountain less but more;
and the valley is more a valley because it has a mountain towering
over it.
So let it be with you and you.
May you need one another, but not out of weakness.
May you want one another, but not out of lack.
May you entice one another, but not compel one another.
May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another.
May you succeed in all important ways with one another,
and not fail in the little graces.
May you look for things to praise, often say, "I love you!"
and take no notice of small faults.
If you have quarrels that push you apart,
May both of you hope to have good sense enough to take the first
step back.
May you enter into the mystery which is the awareness of
one another's presence —
no more physical than spiritual, warm and near when you are side
by side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant
cities. May you have happiness, and may you find it making one another
May you have love, and may you find it loving one another!
Thank You, God,
for Your presence here with us
and Your blessing on this marriage.
My favorite part, and the reason I wanted to share this with you is: "May you have happiness, and may you find it making each other happy." It's a nice thought regardless of the level of commitment.
Permission to reprint from A Book of Marriage Charts, by Emylu Lander Hughes, The American Federation of Astrologers, 1986.
Dates to RetBir^ WBen
A word about Mercury Retrograde. When we say Mercury is Retrograde we are talking about the apparent backward movement of the planet Mercury. Mercury rules language, our intellect, and all things contractual. The planet's motion, when retrograde, can cause delays and misinformation since its movement is contrary to best astrological results. Things become complicated and confusing. When I think of Mercury Retrograde I think of Re. Re-do, re-organize, re-figure, rewrite, etc. Yes becomes no. Reservations, correspondence, and travel get fouled up. Who wants this for a wedding date? Or a move-in date?
Thankfully, Mercury is only Retrograde a few times a year. Avoid it if you can. Work around Mercury Retrograde and your important days will be memorable for the right reasons. Why fight it?
1989 Jan. 16 to Feb. 5 May 12 to Jun. 5 Sep. 11 to Oct. 3
1990 Jan. 30 to Feb. 20 Apr. 23 to May 17 Aug. 25 to Sep. 17 Dec. 14 to Jan. 3
linda Goodman's relationship signs
1991 Apr. 4 to Apr. 28 Aug. 7 to Sep. 31 Nov. 28 to Dec. 18
1992 Mar. 17 to Apr. 9 Jul. 20 to Aug. 13 Nov. 11 to Dec. 1
1993 Mar. 27 to Mar. 22 Jul. 1 to Jul. 25 Oct. 25 to Nov. 15
1994 Feb. 11 to Mar. 5 Jun. 12 to Jul. 6 Oct. 9 to Nov. 30
1995 Jan. 26 to Feb. 15 May 24 to Jun. 17 Sep. 22 to Oct. 14
1996 Jan. 9 to Feb. 29 May 3 to May 27 Sep. 4 to Sep. 26 Dec. 23 to Jan. 12
1997 Apr. 15 to May 8 Aug. 17 to Sep. 10 Dec. 7 to Dec. 27
1998 Mar. 27 to Apr. 20 Aug. 31 to Aug. 23 Nov. 21 to Dec. 11
1999 Mar. 10 to Apr. 2 Jul. 12 to Aug. 6
Nov. 5 to Nov. 25
2000 Feb. 21 to Mar. 14 Jun. 23 to Jul. 17 Oct. 18 to Nov. 8
*p e
"The Planets," Linda Goodman, Gooberz, Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
"Why Did I Dream of Saturn Last Night?" Linda Goodman, Gooberz, Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
The Sun Signs Tables, Aura: A Teaching Manual, Carolyn Reynolds.
The Rising Signs for Men, The Book of Lovers, Carolyn Reynolds, Llewellyn Publications.
The Rising Signs for Women, The Book of Lovers, Carolyn Reynolds, Llewellyn Publications.
The Moon Sign Ingress 1900-2000, The Book of Lovers, Carolyn Reynolds, Llewellyn Publications.
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto Tables, Star Mates, Carolyn Reynolds.
"Blessing for a Marriage." A Book of Marriage Charts, Emylu Hughes, American Federation of Astrologers.
The History of Astrology, Zolar, Arco Publishing Co., Inc.
Llewellyn's 1994 Moon Sign Book, Llewellyn's Publication Worldwide.
"To err is human," and so with all best intentions there may be an error in the planetary tables. We couldn't find one. If you do, please let us know. Thank you.
* Find? *
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'Remember, lore can cor.. ices ftk ts
It can even eliminate k.
Linda Goodman has been called the modern-day Nostradamus. She is the largest-selling author of books on astrology in the world. Her first book, Sun Signs, is responsible for bringing astrology into the mainstream and was so well received by the public that it hit the New York Times bestseller list immediately—the first astrology book ever to achieve this. Her next book, Love Signs, made nine bestseller lists, and with Star Signs —another bestseller—Linda brought the world an understanding of metaphysics and numerology. Because of her universal appeal, her books have been translated into many different languages and are available worldwide. Most homes have at least one of her books, and most of today's astrologers confirm that she had some part in inspiring them to study astrology. Although very sought-after for interviews, Linda preferred to be something of a recluse, making her home 10,000 feet above sea level in Cripple Creek, Colorado, where she spent her days researching and writing about the mysteries of the universe until her death in October 1995. Linda's other works include Venus Trines at Midnight and Gooberz, books of poetry and prose. One of her greatest wishes was to be remembered not solely for astrology, but also for her poetry, and at this, too, she excelled.
Carolyn Reynolds has been a professional astrologer for over twenty years. Her background in journalism and social work has helped her
provide a unique approach to astrology for her clients and for the readers of her daily forecasts. Living in the Palm Springs area with her husband, Patrick, and their dog, Stevie, she gets daily inspiration from the Santa Rosa mountains. She is also the author of The Book of Lovers.
Crystal Bush currently lives in California and has the worldwide responsibility for all future Linda Goodman-related projects. At present Crystal and Carolyn are developing the Linda Goodman School of Astrology in Los Angeles, which intends to offer courses and seminars in astrology throughout the world. For more information, write to: GMI, 1007 Montana Avenue #339, Santa Monica, CA 90403.
Worksheets to make your personalized information accessible and simple to follow
L - . :<mprehens:" -. section
containing Lin da s insightful, unparalleled interpretations of every planetary aspect— available here for the first time ever
Linda Goodman s Relationship Signs is an indispensable, vital, and superb you'll turn to again and again.
LINDA GOODMAN was born and raised in Parkersburg. West Virginia. She worked first as a columnist and feature writer for the Parkersburg News-Sentinel and the CktrksviOe (Tenn. I Conner. Her worldwide reputation as a sensitive writer and astrologer
..blished by her first book, the New York Times bestseller Linda Goodman s Sun \ hich she followed up with the
unprecedented Love Signs and Star Signs. Linda Goodman lived in the Colorado mountains until her death in 1995. This is the final book she wanted her readers to have as an important pan of her legacy.
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