Words from the Rock
It is written: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Matthew 4:4 NIV
I’m sure it’s no coincidence that some of Jesus’s first recorded words in the New Testament were about something we can all relate to—food. And although he was addressing Satan (Jesus hadn’t eaten in weeks, and the devil had been tempting him to turn stones into bread), these rock-solid words were meant for everyone.
So, imagine you’re starving. You’re hungrier than you’ve ever been in your entire life. You haven’t eaten in days, and all you can think about is food, food, food. Whether it’s a Big Mac and fries or a pepperoni pizza or even sushi, you are so hungry you might actually sell your soul for something to eat. That’s right where Satan had Jesus—or so he thought.
But what was Jesus’s response to Satan’s temptation? Even in his starved and emaciated state, Jesus told Satan that it took more than food to sustain life. He said that it was God’s very words that would keep him alive. But what did that mean?
Jesus was our example in that he lived his life in a very tight relationship with God. In the same way that some people must stay connected (via text messaging, cell phones, email, instant messages, etc.), Jesus related to God on an ongoing, never-ending basis. It was this tight and constant connection that gave Jesus the power and strength to do all he did. He stayed tuned to God and relied on God’s communication even more than he relied on food. It was his lifeline. And that’s what he wants for us too—to connect and stay tuned to him, to realize we need him even more than we need food.
My Prayer
Dear God,
It’s easy to know when I need food because I hear my stomach growling, and it’s all I can think about. But it’s not always so obvious to know how much I need you and your words. Teach me to tune in to you—to listen to you—and to understand that your words can sustain me better and longer than my favorite meal.
Final Word
I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 NLT
Stone for the Journey
I need God’s words more than I need food.