Day 5 End of Your Rope

Words from the Rock

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

Matthew 5:3 Message

Sometimes Jesus said things that didn’t make complete sense to everyone, at least at first. Hopefully the truth soaked in later. But sometimes Jesus said things that sounded like an oxymoron—like “you’re a lucky loser” or “isn’t that a great disaster.” Okay, those weren’t Jesus’s exact words, but sometimes the things he said made people scratch their heads and wonder.

When Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), he spoke of a variety of ways that people were blessed. And the first one he described was how we’d be blessed when we reached the end of our rope. Huh? Was he saying we should be glad when we have nothing left to give, when we’re spent, worn-out, or beaten? Seriously, who feels happy about that?

But Jesus knew something we didn’t. He knew that as soon as we figured out that we’d done all we could and still failed—that was when we might begin to look to God for assistance. When we hit an impossibly tough spot, we’d cry out for help. Because, unfortunately, most of us have to be exhausted and beaten up and backed into a corner before we realize that God is just waiting for us to invite him to help.

So Jesus was saying that if we can figure out that truth sooner in our everyday lives—if we can grasp and accept that we’re not strong enough, smart enough, or quick enough—then life will get better. When we step aside and allow God to be our strength, our wisdom, and our protection, that’s when we’ll be blessed!

My Prayer

Dear God,

Sometimes I forget just how weak I really am. Teach me to figure it out sooner. I try to do things on my own, and I make a total mess. Help me to remember how much I need you as I recognize how inadequate I really am. And then I can be glad you made me like this—just so you can bless me with more of you!


Final Word

He [the Lord] replied, “My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am.

2 Corinthians 12:9 CEV

Stone for the Journey

I give God my weakness in exchange for his strength.