Day 4 Tender Hearts

Words from the Rock

God blesses those people who are merciful.

They will be treated with mercy!

Matthew 5:7 CEV

How often do you hear someone say, “I don’t care”? How often do you say it yourself? Sometimes it seems the world is full of people who simply don’t give a rip. But Jesus is saying that you will be blessed when you care—when you care enough to take care of others.

Jesus wants you to learn to look outside yourself and see that others are in need. He wants you to learn to put aside your selfishness and roll up your sleeves to help someone else. But do you know why? Is it because God’s too busy to take care of everyone? No, of course not. God made the universe—he can easily take care of everyone and everything connected to it. And he does. But his plan is bigger than that. He wants to partner with you.

God knows that you are changed when you help someone else. You grow up a little, and you begin to look more like God. Not only that, but when you care for others, it gets attention. People take notice when someone does something kind or generous or unselfish—because it’s a little outside the norm. And when people observe you helping or caring for someone else, they have to scratch their heads and ponder it—like, “What’s up with that?” And perhaps someone will be curious enough to ask you—and you can say it’s because of God and what he’s doing in your life. That’ll make ’em wonder.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Teach me to be more caring of others around me. Help me to see when someone is in need. Show me ways I can help. And if anyone asks, let me give the credit to you.


Final Word

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Romans 12:9 NIV

Stone for the Journey

I will keep my eyes peeled for someone who needs my help.