Words from the Rock
You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.
Matthew 5:9 Message
We hear a lot of talk about world peace—and that’s a great goal for everyone to adopt. But how about making peace right where we live? Sometimes the hardest place to keep peace is right under our own roof.
Jesus said that when we learn how to get along peacefully with others, and when we make an effort to help others get along peacefully as well, we begin to experience what being an integral part of God’s family is about. Not only that, but people who are watching us can’t help but notice that something is different—because all we need to do is look around to see that peace doesn’t just happen.
So, next time you sense tension or hear voices rising in anger, say a quick prayer and ask God to lead you, then do your part to encourage cooperation, consideration, understanding—whatever it takes to prevent a fight. Whether it’s offering a kind word or a gentle reminder, or simply urging a person to walk away, your efforts will show others that you really are God’s child—and you will be blessed.
My Prayer
Dear God,
I confess that sometimes it feels exciting to witness a heated argument—especially if I’m not the one in the middle of it. But I know that’s wrong. Please help me be an instrument of peace. Help me remember to place myself in your hands and to be ready to be used for healing instead of hurting.
Final Word
People who work for peace in a peaceful way plant a good crop of right-living.
James 3:18 NCV
Stone for the Journey
I will be on the lookout for ways to bring peace to those around me.