Words from the Rock
You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.
Matthew 5:10 Message
Because we live in a country with religious freedom, we don’t worry that we might be put to death because of what we believe. And yet there are quiet, subtle forms of persecution that happen fairly regularly. Maybe someone makes fun of you for standing up for your convictions. Or maybe you’ve been teased for saying a blessing over your lunch or carrying a Bible or attending youth group.
Jesus said you’ll be blessed when your faith—that is, your commitment to God—makes others want to persecute you. So perhaps the question is, are you being persecuted because you’re doing what God has called you to do? Or are you being persecuted because you’re being an in-your-face, Bible-thumping Christian, begging for negative attention? If it’s the latter, watch out. That kind of “persecution” won’t come with a blessing attached.
Blessing comes as a result of the relationship you have with God. In other words, when you’re simply doing what God has asked you to do and, as a result, someone picks on you, God will bless you by increasing his presence in your life. You will feel more connected to him and his kingdom than ever before.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Show me how to serve and love you more. Not in a showy way but in a way that is genuine and humble. And if, while doing that, I get picked on, help me to remember that you are blessing me with more of you and your kingdom.
Final Word
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:2–3 NIV
Stone for the Journey
I’ll consider it a blessing if I am picked on for my faith.