Day 3 Law of Love

Words from the Rock

God’s Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet. Long after stars burn out and earth wears out, God’s Law will be alive and working.

Matthew 5:18 Message

God’s law may seem big and intimidating, but it’s actually pretty simple and straightforward. Despite how religious people have tried to complicate God’s law during the past several thousand years, Jesus summed it up in a couple of concise sentences. Here’s the nutshell version: (1) Love God. (2) Love your neighbor. Simple, right?

Okay, maybe it’s simple, but as you know, simple isn’t always easy. Perhaps that’s why some religious people try to complicate the law by adding to it and making it tricky—maybe it’s a way to distract themselves and others from what God’s law really is and from actually doing it.

God’s law is simply the ultimate law of love. And, as Jesus pointed out, God’s law will last forever. So what’s the purpose of laws? They are made for us to obey—meaning we have a choice. And not just a onetime choice either—it’s a daily choice, sometimes a minute-by-minute choice. And if we choose to love God first of all, wholeheartedly and intentionally, then he will help us to do the next part—to love others (even the unlovable ones). That’s how God’s law works and how it becomes a living law—and one that lasts forever.

My Prayer

Dear God,

I want to obey your law, but I know I need your help. First, let me choose to love you with all that I am. Then remind me to come to you when I need help in loving others.


Final Word

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

Matthew 22:37 CEV

Stone for the Journey

I choose to fulfill God’s law by loving him and others.