Day 4 Sexual Sin

Words from the Rock

You know the commandment which says, “Be faithful in marriage.” But I tell you that if you look at another woman and want her, you are already unfaithful in your thoughts.

Matthew 5:27–28 CEV

Okay, this is a touchy subject (no pun intended) for many people. What was Jesus really saying? Obviously he was talking about sex. And he was stating that sex outside of a marriage relationship is wrong. Nothing new about that. But at the same time he was saying more—much, much more.

He was saying that sexual sin begins long before two people engage in a sexual act. He was saying that when you focus on unmarried sex, when you daydream about it, and when you obsess over it, even if you’re not technically having sex, you are still stepping over the line—and you are playing with fire.

Whether it’s reading a book that’s too graphic, visiting a website that’s too skanky, or going too far with your crush, it’s wrong. And that’s what Jesus was trying to say.

Ironically, this day and age isn’t that much different from when Jesus walked the earth. Even then people got caught up in sexual sin. And Jesus knew it was harmful. He knew that it could wound a person’s spirit and conscience in a way that nothing else could. He wanted to prevent that. And so he didn’t simply say, “Don’t have sex outside of marriage.” He said, “Don’t do all those things that lead up to that.” He was basically telling people to protect themselves—and their hearts.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Help me to know where to draw the line. Whether it’s in regard to my thought life or to someone I’m dating, please show me what’s in my best interest and what’s not. And then help me to stay firm in my decision to obey you and put you first in all things.


Final Word

Sin pays off with death. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23 CEV

Stone for the Journey

I commit myself to obey God in all things—even dating!