Words from the Rock
Your eyes are like a window for your body. When they are good, you have all the light you need. But when your eyes are bad, everything is dark. If the light inside you is dark, you surely are in the dark.
Matthew 6:22–23 CEV
Have you ever noticed how we naturally look toward light? Whether it’s a brightly lit sign, a string of colorful Christmas lights, a bonfire, or a full moon, our eyes are drawn to light. Maybe God made us that way to remind us that we need to stay focused on him—his light, his goodness, his loving-kindness—rather than staring into darkness.
Jesus says that our eyes are like windows (or peepholes) that can illuminate our inner lives. But that’s only if we keep our eyes opened and focused on God and all his goodness. Then our hearts feel warm and illuminated, and life is good.
But if we focus on things that aren’t of God (like self-pity, fear, or hatred), it’s as if we’ve pulled the shades down over our windows. Consequently, our inner self becomes dark and sad and lonely. And if we stay like that too long, it can impair not only how we see things but how we think as well. We need to pull up that shade and get back into the light. That’s why Jesus reminds us to keep our eyes lit up by looking at him—since he is, after all, the Light of the World. And when we focus on his goodness, his mercy, and his unconditional love, our hearts are well lit and warm and happy.
My Prayer
Dear God,
I want my eyes to be windows looking straight to you. I want your light to flow through me and to illuminate things I might not otherwise understand. Thank you for filling my heart and my life with your warmth and light.
Final Word
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 NIV
Stone for the Journey
I will keep my eyes on God, focusing on his goodness and light.