Day 5 Here and Now

Words from the Rock

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

Matthew 6:34 Message

This is one of my all-time favorite Rock verses. Honestly, I could just about build my whole life on this one. This is a fairly short and succinct Bible verse, but in it Jesus tells us three extremely important things. First of all, he says to give God our full attention. He doesn’t say it’s okay to do it later—he says to do it RIGHT NOW. And that means do it ALWAYS and every day. Get it? Does it get any clearer?

Second, Jesus tells us not to freak over tomorrow or what we think may or may not happen. In other words, don’t worry, don’t be anxious, and don’t stress over things that haven’t even happened yet. Okay, you might be thinking, that’s easier said than done. How does a person go about doing that? How is it possible NOT to worry? Especially if your life, like most people’s, doesn’t travel down a nice, smooth road.

And that’s where the third part of this verse comes in handy. Jesus tells us that God will help us handle whatever tough stuff comes. And since this is life on earth (not heaven), we can plan on plenty of hard things heading our way. But Jesus’s promise is that when we need it, when the time comes, God will help us. We just need to believe him, have faith, stand on the Rock, and trust that he can do it.

My Prayer

Dear God,

You are my Rock. Help me to keep my eyes on you, not tomorrow or next week, but RIGHT NOW. And help me not to worry about what’s going to happen next but believe that you are going to help me handle whatever life sends my way—because you are my Rock, and I can trust in you!


Final Word

I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 CEV

Stone for the Journey

I will trust God for everything—no matter how bad things look.