Words from the Rock
Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
Matthew 7:1–2 NLT
This is probably one of the most explicit and to-the-point statements that Jesus ever made. And, like many of his other important teachings, he didn’t speak about judgment only once. He made this same point numerous times—and always with passion. Not only that, but he lived out this teaching in his actions and choices—often taking flak from religious leaders as a result. It’s like he wanted to ensure there was no wiggle room in his words. He wanted us to get it!
And yet judging others is something that many Christians do. In fact, there are many nonbelievers who feel that Christians are among the most judgmental people on the planet. Can you imagine how that must make Jesus feel? Here we are, the people who bear his name by claiming to be Christians, and yet sometimes we throw his words right back in his face by choosing to judge or criticize or put down others.
Why is that? Where does judgment come from? Maybe you’ve heard the old quote, “Don’t criticize someone until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins”—meaning we don’t know what other people go through because we’re not them. Ignorance is often the source of judgment. Let’s say there’s a guy at school who walks around like Mr. Snooty and seems so full of himself. But what if he’s been really hurt by someone? What if he’s wearing superiority like a protective overcoat to keep from being hurt again? If you assume he’s just stuck-up, you are guilty of both ignorance and judgment. So wise up and try to understand others on a deeper level—and see if your judgments don’t slowly evaporate.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Help me look beneath the rough exteriors of others. Help me to get rid of my ignorance and to see people as you see them.
Final Word
We must stop judging others. We must also make up our minds not to upset anyone’s faith.
Romans 14:13 CEV
Stone for the Journey
Judging or criticizing others only reveals my own ignorance.