Week 11

Day 1 Getting Along

Words from the Rock

Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about.

Matthew 7:12 CEV

You might have heard this often-quoted Scripture called the Golden Rule before. Maybe you recall a version like this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Perhaps your third grade teacher posted it on the bulletin board to remind kids to be nice. And if you had to choose only one rule for interacting with others, this would be an excellent one.

Perhaps the most mind-boggling thing about this rule is that it’s so simple. Of course, just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. But it’s nothing short of amazing that Jesus is able to sum up, in one sentence, what generations of Jewish scribes and Pharisees had taken thousands of years and thousands of words to explain. They had made lists and lists of cumbersome laws and rules and sacrifices and atonements—yet they never really got it. It’s like they were incapable of treating others with the respect they demanded for themselves. Instead of exhibiting kindness and love, they focused on outward legalities to force people into “good behavior.” But Jesus focuses on the heart—when the heart changes, good actions simply follow.

Jesus says to treat others the way you want to be treated—period. If you want to be respected, show some respect. If you want to be loved, love others. If you want people to share with you, be generous toward them. In other words, whatever it is that you feel you’re not getting, try giving it first. Then see what happens.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Remind me that my own needs and wants are like a mirror, reflecting what it is that I should be giving to others. Show me new ways to do this.


Final Word

For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Galatians 5:14 NASB

Stone for the Journey

I will treat others how I want to be treated.