Day 2 One Way

Words from the Rock

Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.

Matthew 7:13–14 CEV

Some people assume that when Jesus teaches about the “narrow gate,” he is talking only about what happens after you die. But Jesus had made it clear right from the start that he came to bring life—here and now—and he came to make our earthly lives bigger and better than they’ve ever been before. And yet, he says, we have to go through a narrow gate. So what does that mean?

In other Scriptures, Jesus is called “the door” and “the way.” As you can see, both these metaphors are similar to a gate in that they are types of entryways. That’s because Jesus is the entrance to God. He’s the guy who welcomes us with arms outspread, saying, “Come on in!” He’s our living invitation to enter into God’s kingdom—not after we’re dead but right here in this very life. He wants us to experience all the wonders and gifts and satisfaction of God’s kingdom right here on earth. And he’s not only our ticket, he’s the gateway to enter.

Does that suggest that Jesus is “narrow” or “small” or “tight”? Or is he simply comparing his very specific entryway to the thousands of other “options” out there? Unbelievers will say things like, “Do whatever feels good,” “Any way is the right way,” “It’s all relative,” “There are no absolutes,” or “Hey, whatever.” But Jesus, in essence, says, “Come through my gate. It might seem harder to get through initially, but it’ll be so worth it!” And, seriously, think about it. Which road sounds more interesting—a narrow, winding mountain path that weaves past trees and rivers and fields and waterfalls, leading up to the summit, or a long, wide asphalt highway that goes straight and flat and leads nowhere?

My Prayer

Dear God,

Help me to continually choose Jesus as my entrance to you. And if the path seems hard or challenging, remind me where that flat highway goes.


Final Word

Work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s Kingdom, for many will try to enter but will fail.

Luke 13:24 NLT

Stone for the Journey

My real life begins when I enter it through Jesus—he is my gateway to fulfillment.