Words from the Rock
After Jesus left in a boat with his disciples, a terrible storm suddenly struck the lake, and waves started splashing into their boat. Jesus was sound asleep, so the disciples went over to him and woke him up. They said, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” But Jesus replied, “Why are you so afraid? You surely don’t have much faith.” Then he got up and ordered the wind and the waves to calm down. And everything was calm. The men in the boat were amazed and said, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.”
Matthew 8:23–27 CEV
Most people would freak if they were in a small boat out in the middle of the sea and a big squall began. Think about it. The sky grows dark with clouds, the rain comes down in a cold deluge, the wind whips up waves that are taller than the boat, and—this is a big one—you know you’re going down. Who wouldn’t be scared?
Well, everyone would be—except Jesus, that is. Jesus was sleeping soundly in the boat. The disciples, certain they were doomed, felt they had to wake him. But what do you suppose would’ve happened if they hadn’t awakened him? Would the boat have sunk and everyone in it have drowned at sea? (So much for God’s plan to save the world.) Of course not. And that’s exactly why Jesus was able to sleep. He knew they were going to be just fine. That’s also probably why he was slightly aggravated at his disciples for waking him. And that’s probably why he reprimanded them by saying, “Why are you so afraid? You surely don’t have much faith.”
They had already seen Jesus perform all kinds of miracles—up close and personal. They already knew him well, and they knew that he had come from God. And yet their faith was small. What hope is there for us?
The hope comes later, when Jesus empowers them and us by sending the Holy Spirit to help us, to guide us, and to remind us (again and again) that God knows what he’s up to. And if we’re where we should be (even in a huge storm), God will keep us safe.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Help my faith to grow stronger. Remind me that you really are in control and that as long as I’m leaning on you, I’ll be fine.
Final Word
If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
Matthew 17:20 NASB
Stone for the Journey
I will trust Jesus to keep my boat afloat and to keep me safe throughout my storms.