Words from the Rock
Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being God’s messenger. Accepting someone’s help is as good as giving someone help. This is a large work I’ve called you into, but don’t be overwhelmed by it.
Matthew 10:41 Message
God made you unique—as a result, he doesn’t expect you to live the same life or do the same things as someone else. And although the previous few verses focused on spreading the good news about connecting others to God, not everyone has the same abilities and gifts to get the job done. Fortunately, God doesn’t want everyone to be an evangelist or a missionary—and the world would be a crazy place if everyone wanted to be a preacher or teacher or leader. It really takes all kinds.
That’s why God chose something special for each of us to do, a distinct way we can each do our part to assist in his big plans. And being that God is God and infinitely creative, he’s created you with specific gifts, gifts that he wants you to put to good use. Maybe it’s the gift of being a loyal friend. Maybe you’re good at listening. Maybe you like to help people. Maybe you’re a good encourager. Those are all gifts—and all are useful as long as we’re using them to help each other. God wants us to learn how to be team players. He wants us to cooperate with each other, to value our individual gifts, and to be willing to put them to good use.
So if you have a friend who’s really good at sharing his faith, you might be gifted at encouraging him. Or maybe you have a friend with a knack for teaching from the Bible, but she’s not very organized, so you help to keep her on track. Even when you’re behind the scenes, what you are doing is valuable. Jesus said it is equally as valuable as what the person out in front is doing. So whatever it is, do your part!
My Prayer
Dear God,
Help me to recognize what my gifts are—and then to use them. I want to be a committed team player, helping my teammates, with you as the captain.
Final Word
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and observe His commandments.
1 John 5:2 NASB
Stone for the Journey
When we appreciate our individual gifts and work as a team, God gets the glory.