Day 4 Acts of Kindness

Words from the Rock

And anyone who gives one of my most humble followers a cup of cool water, just because that person is my follower, will surely be rewarded.

Matthew 10:42 CEV

Getting someone a drink of water doesn’t seem like a big deal, but Jesus said that if someone does something that seemingly insignificant for one of his followers, that person will be rewarded.

This suggests two things. For starters, Jesus is making a statement about how devoted he is to his followers. He’s saying that they are so valued to him, so important, so dearly loved, that it gets his attention whenever someone treats them with kindness. Jesus is also saying he cares deeply about the person who shows kindness. And he doesn’t say that the person has to be a believer either. He simply states that he will reward the person who shows kindness.

But here are some questions for you: What if you’re serving Jesus and a nonbeliever offers to do something kind for you—and you reject their kindness? What if you just shrug and say, “No thanks, I don’t need your help”? Does that rob that person of a reward? According to this verse, that could be the case. So think about it. The next time someone tries to help you or does something for you or shows you some kindness, why not accept it and say thank you—and know that by doing so, you are helping that person to be rewarded. Perhaps the real reward is that a relationship has begun—which hopefully, in time, will help that person to discover God loves him or her just as much as he loves you.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Help me to be a good receiver. Don’t let my pride get in the way if a person offers help. Remind me that you want to reward that person through me.


Final Word

For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward.

Mark 9:41 NASB

Stone for the Journey

When I accept help from nonbelievers, I allow them to be blessed.