Words from the Rock
Are you listening to me? Really listening?
Matthew 11:15 Message
If you have ears, pay attention!
Matthew 11:15 CEV
He who has ears, let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 NIV
Have you ever considered what a distractingly noisy world you live in? And not just when you’re out doing things, but even when you’re alone. Whether it’s from a cell phone, an iPod, a TV, websites, video games, or whatever, some people never really experience a real sense of silence. In fact, some people get extremely uncomfortable when it gets too quiet. Have you ever noticed how some people walk into a room and immediately turn on the TV or radio or CD player? Maybe you’re one of those people.
Jesus is asking, “Can you hear me now? Are you even listening? Do you know how to tune in to my voice?” If the volume of everything else in your life is turned up full blast, how can you possibly hear God speaking to you? How can you even hear yourself? And what happens when you turn the volume down? Are your ears still ringing? Have your ears grown hard of hearing because of the constant chatter that’s usually going on? Maybe you just need to give yourself some quiet time—turn off everything around you and practice the art of just listening. See if you can learn how to really hear.
God’s voice is described as a gentle whisper . . . so quiet that you won’t hear it unless you’re really focused. So quiet that you won’t hear it if there’s noise all around you—or if there’s noise inside you. So give yourself some time to learn how to listen. Allow yourself the privilege of experiencing the rare commodity of golden silence. And see if God doesn’t speak to you.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Show me the value of being quiet. Help me to get comfortable without constant noise. Teach me to tune in to you and really listen.
Final Word
If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. I will let everyone who wins the victory eat from the life-giving tree in God’s wonderful garden.
Revelation 2:7 CEV
Stone for the Journey
When my world is too noisy, it’s difficult to hear God.