Day 3 God’s Ways

Words from the Rock

Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer: “Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. You’ve concealed your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people. Yes, Father, that’s the way you like to work.”

Matthew 11:25–26 Message

The wiser you get, the more you know how little you know. Okay, maybe that sounds confusing, but it’s true. People who think they know everything usually have closed minds and consequently never learn anything new. It’s like they live in a little metal box that nothing can penetrate. But people who admit they don’t know it all are open to learning and will naturally become wiser. Those people are like sponges, able to soak up knowledge like water.

Jesus’s prayer in these verses was related to the reception he’d received from “impressive” cities where he’d ministered and done miracles. Places where the religious, educated people had rejected him and refused to believe he’d been sent by God. In comparison, Jesus did similar miracles in some of the more rural and “less sophisticated” regions, and that’s where people listened and got excited. These ordinary people were open to Jesus. They wanted to learn new things, and they were ready to receive.

But not much has changed more than two thousand years later. When you think you know all there is to know (which is impossible), you allow pride to take over, and you shut yourself down. On the other hand, if you admit and accept that you’ll never know all there is to know, and if you’re eager to experience more of Jesus, you open yourself up for all he has for you. You put yourself in a position to grow and learn to become the best you can possibly be.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Please help me to remember that I’ll never know it all. Keep my heart humble and eager to learn more from you.


Final Word

With praises from children

and from tiny infants,

you have built a fortress.

It makes your enemies silent,

and all who turn against you

are left speechless.

Psalm 8:2 CEV

Stone for the Journey

When I assume I have all the answers, I forget where to go with my questions.