Words from the Rock
A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
Matthew 13:3–4 NIV
Jesus told this parable to a crowd at the lake one day. Jesus often used parables, which are actually stories, to teach critical life lessons—probably because he knew we’d do better recalling a story than a boring twelve-part lecture. He also understood that most listeners wouldn’t fully grasp the meaning of the story the first time they heard it, but perhaps over time (as it’s told again and again), the truth would sink in.
The soil in this story represents our hearts. In other words, Jesus compares our hearts to dirt. (Before you get offended, remember that God formed humans from the earth.) The seed in this story represents the gospel—the Good News that Jesus was God’s Son sent to earth to offer humankind a new and improved relationship with God. Unfortunately, not all who hear this Good News will take it seriously, and that explains this parable.
The reaction of some listeners is like a tough old road. The seed lands on the hard-packed dirt and then just sits there because it can’t penetrate the hardened surface of a well-traveled road. It’s as if the road rejects it. Kind of like people with hardened hearts or heads. They’re unwilling to listen, simply rejecting the Good News as soon as it hits them. It almost seems that the seed is wasted. In fact, Jesus adds that the birds come and eat it—the precious Good News is nothing more than worthless birdseed to them.
Maybe we don’t think we fall into this birdseed kind of faith category, but there are times when anyone can be a little hard-hearted—times when we might choose to disobey God or reject a truth he’s shown us. Jesus doesn’t want us to treat his words like birdseed. He wants hearts that are softened and ready to welcome his Good News, allow it to grow, and make strong roots.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Please keep my heart plowed and tilled (with your Word and your truth) so that, unlike birdseed, my faith will root deeply into you.
Final Word
When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
Matthew 13:19 NIV
Stone for the Journey
I won’t allow myself to become hard-hearted toward God.