Day 4 Miracle Meal

Words from the Rock

The disciples came to [Jesus] and said, “. . . Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.”

But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.”

“But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish!” they answered.

“Bring them here,” he said. Then he told the people to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he gave the bread to the disciples, who distributed it to the people. . . . About 5,000 men were fed that day, in addition to all the women and children!

Matthew 14:15–19, 21 NLT

Jesus has just heard the disturbing news that his cousin John the Baptist was brutally murdered. In need of some serious downtime, Jesus travels by boat to a remote place. But as it turns out, thousands of fans follow him to that out-of-the-way spot, and instead of spending time alone, Jesus spends the entire day helping and healing people. Suddenly everyone begins to get hungry, but because they’re out in the sticks, there’s no handy place to get food. No McDonald’s, no convenience mart, not even a produce stand. Nothing.

So what does Jesus say when his disciples suggest that he send the crowds home so they can eat? He says that’s not necessary, and he tells his disciples, “You feed them.” Can’t you just see their confused expressions? How are they supposed to feed thousands when all they have are five small loaves of bread and two fish? It’s barely enough to feed just a few people. What does Jesus expect them to do?

Jesus expects them to have faith. In fact, one of the reasons he does miracles like this is to increase their faith. So he takes the bit of food they have, holds it up, and asks God to bless it. Then he tells his disciples to hand it out to the thousands of people. Imagine how stunned they must have been when not only did they have enough to feed the thousands, but after everyone was thoroughly stuffed, there were twelve large baskets of leftovers!

How do you react when Jesus asks you to do what seems impossible? Maybe he wants you to be kind to someone you can’t stand—so you ask for his help, and he empowers you to do it. Or perhaps it feels bigger, like needing God to provide you with college tuition money—and trusting he’ll do it. The point is, he wants you to remember that he’s the one who will actually perform the miracle. You only need to believe him and obey.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for reminding me that you’re able to do miracles in my life. Help me to increase my faith by being obedient to your will.


Final Word

Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, do not abandon those who search for you.

Psalm 9:10 NLT

Stone for the Journey

I will believe that God can work a miracle in my life today.