Words from the Rock
At once, Jesus said to them, “Don’t worry! I am Jesus. Don’t be afraid.”
Matthew 14:27 CEV
Jesus’s disciples are freaking out when Jesus says these words to them. Ironically, this takes place shortly after Jesus’s miracle of feeding the thousands. Jesus has sent the disciples out in a boat when a huge squall breaks out. If you’ve ever been on a small boat during a big storm, you might understand why they’re so frightened—the wind is whipping tall waves right over their boat, and it doesn’t look good. Perhaps the disciples wonder why Jesus sent them out in this kind of weather. Doesn’t he care about them?
Then suddenly they spot someone walking toward them—on the water! At first they think it’s a ghost, and they’re even more terrified. Maybe they think it’s the Grim Reaper coming for them. Then the man on the water calls out to them and tells them not to be afraid. It’s Jesus! Peter yells back at him, “Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water” (v. 28 CEV). Jesus tells Peter to come, and suddenly Peter is walking on the water too. But then he takes his eyes off Jesus and focuses on the wind and the waves. He starts to sink, crying out to Jesus for help. Jesus takes his hand, steadying him, and then tells Peter that he doesn’t have much faith.
Peter had enough faith to climb out of that boat and walk on the water. He was really trusting Jesus in that moment. But when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on what was going on around him (the wind, the waves, and walking on water), he got scared.
That can happen to you too. You might be in a tough spot, yet you believe that God is helping you and it’s going to be okay. Then suddenly you take your eyes off God and stare at what’s going on around you, and your faith fades and you begin to go down. God wants you to have fearless faith—the kind of faith where you keep your eyes on him and know he can get you through anything.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Help me to be faithful to keep my eyes on you and what you’re doing in my life. Remind me that if I feel like I’m sinking, I can still call out to you for help and you’ll answer.
Final Word
I love everyone who loves me, and I will be found by all who honestly search.
Proverbs 8:17 CEV
Stone for the Journey
I will keep my eyes on God and believe he can get me through anything.