Words from the Rock
If the sky is red in the evening, you say the weather will be good. But if the sky is red and gloomy in the morning, you say it is going to rain. You can tell what the weather will be like by looking at the sky. But you don’t understand what is happening now. You want a sign because you are evil and won’t believe! But the only sign you will be given is what happened to Jonah.
Matthew 16:2–4 CEV
Those religious leaders are trying to trip up Jesus again. Is it just that they have nothing better to do, or are they simply afraid that he’s going to ruin their influence on the people? Whatever the case, they have just demanded that Jesus show them a “sign from heaven” to prove he was really sent from God. Naturally, Jesus declines their invitation, making it clear that it is God who calls the shots, not them. Then he points out that they are better at predicting the weather than they are at understanding God.
The arrogance of these supposed leaders is actually pretty mind-blowing. Do they honestly think they can force Jesus to send them a sign from heaven while they clearly refuse to accept that he is who he says he is? Isn’t that kind of like challenging Michael Jordan to prove he’s Michael Jordan by insisting he engage in a game of one-on-one with you?
Not only does Jesus deny these jokers’ request, but he tells them that the only sign they’ll get is “what happened to Jonah.” And Jonah was swallowed by a whale after he refused to listen to God. Hint hint.
So how does this apply to you and your life today? Is it possible that Jesus doesn’t want your faith to be the result of some supernatural sign sent down from heaven? Jesus wants you to believe in him because you’ve personally experienced his love and forgiveness. He wants you to be so rooted in him and to make him so much a part of your life that your faith is sort of organic—it has simply grown out of your relationship with him, almost like you can’t help it. You are beginning to look and act like him—and that’s a real sign from heaven!
My Prayer
Dear God,
I don’t need you to send down flashy signs from heaven to prove yourself to me. Help me to remember the best sign you can give me is the quiet work you do inside my heart.
Final Word
Finishing is better than starting! Patience is better than pride!
Ecclesiastes 7:8 TLB
Stone for the Journey
Jesus in me is the best sign of God’s existence.