Words from the Rock
The things I teach are not my own, but they come from him who sent me. If people choose to do what God wants, they will know that my teaching comes from God and not from me. Those who teach their own ideas are trying to get honor for themselves. But those who try to bring honor to the one who sent them speak the truth, and there is nothing false in them.
John 7:16–18 NCV
Jesus has just been teaching in the temple, and suddenly he’s being questioned and challenged. While it’s perfectly acceptable for “learned” men to teach casually in the temple, the Jews questioning Jesus don’t believe he’s had sufficient education. Perhaps they’re threatened by him, or maybe his words have made them uncomfortable. And don’t forget that these people are still stuck in their own wrong expectations. Their comfort zone is to keep God safely in a box.
Again Jesus cuts to the chase. He tells the Jews in no uncertain terms that he’s not teaching his own ideas or personal opinions (unlike the Pharisees); he is simply teaching God’s truth. He also tells them that if they were truly connected to God, they would know that Jesus really is God’s spokesman (in fact, God’s own Son). But these men are still in the dark. They are still caught up in their own misinformed beliefs. Sure, they might be hoping for the coming of the Christ (the Messiah), but they are certain that Jesus could not be the real deal.
This is, in fact, the question that every single person must face in their own lifetime—is Jesus really the Son of God, and if he is, what does that mean to them personally? When we remain caught up in our own false beliefs and wrong expectations, and when we refuse to accept that Jesus was sent from God, we are essentially rejecting God’s love and forgiveness, since that’s what Jesus came to earth to give us. But when we believe that Jesus is sent from God, when we embrace his truth and receive his love and forgiveness, then we are connected to God, not only here on earth but for eternity.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Please teach me to separate fact from fiction. Show me how to know the difference between what is your truth and what isn’t.
Final Word
As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
Psalm 18:30 NKJV
Stone for the Journey
God’s truth is unchanging.