Week 31

Day 1 Life Light

Words from the Rock

I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness but will have the light that gives life.

John 8:12 NCV

People are naturally drawn to light. Whether it’s sun seeking on a warm beach or star gazing on a dark night, gazing at a flickering candle in a dim room or staring into a crackling campfire, we are attracted to light. It offers warmth and comfort and illumination. Without light, this world would be a cold, dark place, and we would quickly cease to exist.

Jesus’s light is not all that different. It too is a source of warmth, comfort, and illumination. Without Jesus’s light, our hearts grow cold, our spirits grow uneasy, and we can’t see where we’re going, so we end up stumbling around. Despite all that, we still manage to shield ourselves from Jesus’s light sometimes. Maybe it’s in the form of spiritual sunglasses, which dim the brightness just enough so we don’t have to see that certain sin area in our lives that needs attention. Or maybe it’s a like a dimmer switch that somehow makes a dirty room appear more attractive. Everyone has ways of pushing Jesus’s light away.

What happens when you live in a continually light-deprived condition? In your physical life, a number of things can occur as a result of the absence of sunlight—things like bone deterioration, invasion of germs and bacteria, or just plain old gloomy depression in the form of SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Your spiritual life is not so different. So if you want to be healthy and happy, soak in Jesus’s light. If you don’t want to stumble and fall down, let Jesus illuminate your path. Let the light shine in!

My Prayer

Dear God,

Please shine your light on me. I know I need it to find my way and to be healthy and happy. Teach me to welcome your light always.


Final Word

You are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9 NLT

Stone for the Journey

God’s light brings life.