Day 2 Earthbound Minds

Words from the Rock

I know where I came from and where I am going, but you don’t know this about me. You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone. And if I did, my judgment would be correct in every respect because I am not alone. The Father who sent me is with me.

John 8:14–16 NLT

Although Jesus is talking to those thickheaded Pharisees, he could be talking to any of us since we’re all a little dense at times, especially when it comes to grasping spiritual concepts. That’s probably because we often try to understand spiritual things with our human, earthly minds, which is kind of like trying to use an old-fashioned television to receive HDTV. That old television’s technology is too limited to receive the high-definition signals being transmitted. Without an adaptor, when it comes to catching anything from the airwaves, that old TV is pretty much useless.

That’s how we are when we try to comprehend who Jesus is within the limitations of our earthly minds. It just doesn’t work. And when we refuse to listen with our spiritual ears, we, like the Pharisees, are subject to doubt, skepticism, and cynicism. Think about it—isn’t that how most nonbelievers react to Jesus? Spirituality does not compute within the confines of an earthbound mind.

But here’s the good news: Jesus gets this, and he promises he won’t judge us for being human (though he could if he wanted since he’s connected to God, who’s the highest and fairest judge in the universe). Jesus understands our human condition because he walked around the planet in human skin long enough to know how it feels. He won’t judge us for being thickheaded at times.

By the same token, Jesus warns us not to judge him according to our human standards, because he knows that just won’t work. Instead, he wants us to begin reasoning with our spiritual senses. And that involves faith. Don’t forget that we don’t need a huge amount of faith. Like Jesus said, even faith the size of a mustard seed can do miracles—as long as we plant our faith in him.

My Prayer

Dear God,

I realize that I tend to use my earthbound brain more than I use my spiritual senses. Please help me to develop a stronger spiritual sense so that I will better understand in my heart who you are and what you’re up to.


Final Word

No one can explain how a baby breathes before it is born. So how can anyone explain what God does? After all, he created everything.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 CEV

Stone for the Journey

My spiritual senses are limited only by my earthbound mind.