Day 4 Who’s a Pharisee?

Words from the Rock

You people are from here below, but I am from above. You belong to this world, but I don’t belong to this world. So I told you that you would die in your sins. Yes, you will die in your sins if you don’t believe that I am he.

John 8:23–24 NCV

Do you ever wonder why so many of Jesus’s words recorded in the Bible were directed to those stubborn, prideful, hardhearted, thickheaded Pharisees? Why did Jesus “waste” so much time on the men who not only refused to believe in him but eventually sought to have him killed? Why would Jesus do that?

Could it be that Pharisee–type people are somewhat universal? Is it possible that all of us have a bit of Pharisee trapped inside? If you don’t agree, consider some of the common negative characteristics of the typical Pharisee in Jesus’s time: (1) They thought they knew more than anyone else. (2) They believed playing by their own rules would ensure their success. (3) They were certain they were superior to everyone. (4) They questioned anyone who didn’t agree with them. (5) They were selfish and greedy.

Now ask yourself, Do any of those descriptions fit me? Who doesn’t think they know more than others at times? Who wouldn’t like to play by their own rules? And so on. See, we all fall into the Pharisee category sometimes. It’s likely Jesus knew that, and that’s probably the reason so many of his words, though aimed at the Pharisees, can be applied to anyone. So Jesus keeps it simple. In this Scripture he bluntly tells the Pharisees (and all of us) that unless they believe in Jesus and believe that he’s going to die for their sins, they will die.

My Prayer

Dear God,

I confess that I sometimes act like a Pharisee, like when I think I know more than anyone else. Help me to see myself for what I am, and then let me come to you to be changed.


Final Word

The one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.

Luke 22:26 NASB

Stone for the Journey

I will humble myself so that God can change me.