Day 3 God at Work

Words from the Rock

It is not this man’s sin or his parents’ sin that made him blind. This man was born blind so that God’s power could be shown in him. While it is daytime, we must continue doing the work of the One who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

John 9:3–5 NCV

Jesus’s disciples have just asked why a man was born blind. They live in an era where physical disabilities or health problems are often associated with sin. So it’s natural for them to assume that blindness was the result of sin, and if a person was born blind, perhaps that meant the parents’ sin was the reason. But Jesus firmly tells them they are wrong, and then he says something remarkable—that the reason for the man’s blindness was to reveal God’s power.

That answer must have surprised his disciples. How was it possible that a person born with a handicap could make God look good? It seemed more likely that a person born with something like blindness would shake his fist at God for cursing him with that kind of hardship. In fact, that’s the same attitude of some people today. They see someone suffering and ask why God would do that. They blame God for everything that seems to be wrong with the world.

Jesus says these problems and challenges are actually opportunities for God to show what he can do. He’s saying that our weaknesses and defects are God’s chance to strengthen us, to grow us up, or even to heal us. First we have to realize that we need God’s help, and then we need to bring our hardships to him. After that, we need to step back and trust him to work, and once he does, we need to be willing to tell others about what he’s done.

My Prayer

Dear God,

Help me to see my personal hardships and challenges as your opportunity to shine in my life. I want to trust you with everything.


Final Word

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:6 NIV

Stone for the Journey

God can use my weakness to show his strength.