Words from the Rock
Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.
John 10:37–38 NIV
It’s really amazing how many chances Jesus gives the Pharisees and religious leaders to believe in him. Despite the fact that they are cruel and demeaning—even accusing him of blasphemy, which is the same as hating God—and despite the fact that they are plotting to kill him, Jesus continues to speak the truth to them. And here’s the good news: a few of them actually got it. Oh, it didn’t really sink in until after Jesus was killed and rose from the dead, but eventually a few of them figured it out, and you can bet they were sorry for how they’d treated him.
Jesus is telling the Pharisees that they shouldn’t believe him—unless he does what the Father does and reflects a clear image of who God is. Of course, all Jesus does is represent God’s love and mercy, and a lot of his followers already get that. But it’s interesting that he says this to the Pharisees. It’s almost like a challenge to them. Maybe it was reverse psychology.
Maybe Jesus is trying to remind us about our actions too. Could he be telling us that sometimes we don’t act like we really believe him? And when we don’t act like a believer, why should anyone think we belong to God? We should be able to see God at work in each other. If we don’t, we might need to wonder why. Not that we should judge each other, but if a person claims to be a Christian and yet acts completely opposite of that, it could be that there’s a connection problem.
A connected relationship with God miraculously changes who we are. That’s because God transforms how we think and how we interact with others. Qualities like love and forgiveness begin to flow more naturally through us, and people around us begin to notice these changes. That’s what Jesus is saying: “Look at my life and you’ll see that the Father and I are one.” He wants you to be able to say the same.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Help me to reflect who you are to those around me. I know I need to be tightly connected to you to become more like you. Help me to be who you want me to be so I can reach out to others.
Final Word
Don’t forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.
Hebrews 13:16 CEV
Stone for the Journey
When I keep my eyes on God, his love reflects through me.