Week 38

Day 1 Our Helper

Words from the Rock

If you love me, you will do as I command. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. The Spirit will show you what is true. The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit, because they don’t see or know him. But you know the Spirit, who is with you and will keep on living in you.

John 14:15–17 CEV

What if you were suddenly transplanted into a completely different country—someplace where everything was totally foreign to you? What if you couldn’t speak the language and your money was no good? Plus your clothes were all wrong, you were completely lost, you didn’t know a single soul, and there was no American embassy. What would you do? Forget any hopes of enjoying your stay there, but can you think of anything that might make your visit a little less miserable?

How about a guide? What if a friendly local, someone who knew the area and language and could speak English, stepped up and offered you a helping hand? Wouldn’t that be a huge relief?

Jesus knew that our spiritual journey wasn’t going to be easy. In some ways, it would be like traveling through a foreign country. Jesus understood we would need some help to navigate our way. That’s why he sent an invisible piece of himself to live inside of us. Whether we call this the Holy Spirit, our helper, our counselor, or even our personal guide, it is Jesus’s Spirit living inside of us—and it’s available to everyone who loves Jesus and believes in him.

But this Spirit can help us only when we let him. Remember the guide in the foreign country? What if he warned you not to go into a treacherous neighborhood or eat a lethal food, but you refused to listen? The outcome could be fatal. Similarly, Jesus gives you his Spirit to whisper truth to your heart, to gently guide you away from danger—but if you don’t listen, you will get hurt.

My Prayer

Dear God,

I want your Spirit to live inside me. Help me to tune in to his quiet voice, heed his advice, and obey.


Final Word

If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.

Romans 8:11 NIV

Stone for the Journey

Jesus’s Spirit can guide me through anything.