Day 3 Priorities

Words from the Rock

“Let me see one of the coins used for paying taxes.” They brought him a silver coin, and he asked, “Whose picture and name are on it?”

“The Emperor’s,” they answered.

Then Jesus told them, “Give the Emperor what belongs to him and give God what belongs to God.”

Matthew 22:19–21 CEV

The religious leaders are at it again. Hoping to trap Jesus in a tricky question about taxes, which has always been a controversial subject, they ask him whether it’s fair to pay taxes or not. In those days, taxation was more corrupt than ever. Most of the tax collectors were a slippery bunch of private contractors who went around demanding taxes from their own countrymen in a random and unfair way—adjusting the rates to whatever suited them at the moment. Then they would pocket much of what they collected and give the Roman government the rest. In most people’s eyes, tax collectors were no better than thieves, and maybe even worse.

The religious leaders figure that if Jesus says it’s fine to tax, it might seem he’s condoning thievery. If he says it’s wrong to tax, it’s like suggesting they can break the law. Either answer can land Jesus in hot water. Or so the religious leaders hope. But instead of falling into their trap, Jesus asks them to show him a Roman coin (the kind used to pay taxes) and then asks them whose picture is on the coin. Of course, they say it’s the emperor’s image.

That’s when Jesus turns the tables. He takes what they’d meant for trickery and uses it to make a crucial statement. He tells them to give the emperor what belongs to him and to give God what belongs to him. Jesus’s answer shocks them so much that they just shake their heads and walk away.

What a point Jesus has made—it’s as if he said, “Hey, taxes are just money, here today and gone tomorrow. But your soul was created by God, and it’s meant to last for all eternity. Which is more important?” As usual, Jesus cuts through the crud and brings the topic back to what really matters. Who do you serve—God or man?

My Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for reminding me of what matters most. Help me to keep my priorities in order and always put you at the top of my list.


Final Word

We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7 CEV

Stone for the Journey

God gave me my life. I give it back.