Day 4 Gentle Reminders

Words from the Rock

These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

John 14:25–26 NASB

Some people use Post-it notes to remind themselves of things to do, errands to run, or someone to call. But sometimes Post-its are small and get overlooked. Or if you have too many, they become a sea of bright-colored squares with no meaning. Also, they can lose their stickiness and fall off and get lost. So they might not be the most reliable reminders. And sometimes you need a good reminder.

Let’s say you have to get up early in the morning to take the SAT test. Maybe you set your alarm clock or rely on your computer’s alarm to wake you . . . but what if there’s a power outage? So you set your cell phone to go off, but what if the battery runs down? Finally, it might occur to you that the safest plan would be to have a person wake you up—like dear old Mom or Dad. They probably paid for the SAT test, so they wouldn’t let you down.

Jesus knew that you’d need spiritual reminders too. That’s just one more reason he decided to send his Spirit to live inside of you. Better than an alarm clock or a cell phone or even your parents, God’s Spirit can nudge you when you need it. He can quietly warn you to take a different route, or jog your memory about a promise you made to God, or remind you of how much Jesus loves you, or teach you something completely new. The question is, are you tuned in and listening?

My Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for sending your Spirit to keep me on track and teach me new things about you. Help me to tune in so I can hear the direction you give me.


Final Word

Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Romans 8:6 NLT

Stone for the Journey

Through his Spirit, God reminds me of his love.